Logan proved that superhero movies can win on emotional level as well

The DC and Marvel Universe is mainly bad guys fighting good guys, Gods vs creatures and mortals fighting to save their planet with a few jokes spread in between. The fight scenes are great but when they seem to try to tap into another side of humanity, that’s where the story normal starts to stray. Logan was much different.

This was my fear as I heard the news that 20th Century Fox was doing the Old Man Logan saga. How were they going to manage the emotion and violence needed to pass off such an amazing story? To be honest, they pulled it off better than expected.


Wolverine aka Logan is not the mighty X-Men fighter he once was. He’s broken, a drunk and seems to care about nothing else except dying even as he cares for his father figure, Professor X but his world is about to be turned upside down.

We’re used to seeing Wolverine ready for a good fight knowing nothing could really stop him but as we watched this man become a former shell of himself we began to wonder why he hasn’t taken his own life yet and end the misery. With Fox giving us those thoughts to ponder on is when Logan switched gears from the norm of their past movies.

Wolverine was always a loner even when he was suiting up for the X-Men. Now, he’s faced with caring for another person when it’s quite clear his lack of emotional stability is not ready to do so.

Logan is the focal point of the movie but it’s the young Laura that steals the show and Logan’s heart along the way. Laura was created with Logan’s DNA making her his daughter in every sense of the word. She has the exact same adamantium and killer mentality that made Wolverine one of if not our favorite X-Men for years. However, Laura seeks love while Logan seeks solace. And that’s what makes this movie so appealing and emotional.

I never expected superhero movies to hit the heart-strings like a Titanic or Beaches. However, after glancing over at my date and seeing her wipe her eyes, that’s when I realized Logan pulled off the impossible. They managed to cater to the animalistic core of the man and still provided the female a story they could relate to without taking away from the original storyline.

For all the bloody and exciting fight scenes that Logan provided, none had more meaning than the epic showdown in the woods as Logan and Laura fought side by side in what was nothing short of the vintage killer instinct that we’ve grown used to seeing from Wolverine. However, the difference was, he was fighting for more than revenge for being turned into an animal but more along the lines of love and protection.

Logan is and always will be my favorite X-Men and that was due to his lack of remorse that he displayed in his heyday. What Logan showed was another side that Fox was afraid to touch on, not realizing the gem that was hidden all along.