Loot: Please Stay Away From The Obvious Molly And Arthur Romance


Some romances were just meant to be from the start. Ross and Rachel, Castle and Beckett, and Archie and Betty are just a few. But then there are those where you can tell the writers are trying to force something that should not be forced. Loot is straddling that fence when it comes to Molley and Arthur. It seems innocent but can potentially destroy such a good show.

First off, they do make an odd pair. But there is nothing with that. In the episode ‘Excitement Park‘, Molly asked for Author’s help with her financial records and he obliged. They would then travel to a few of the new businesses that she owns and there were slight sparks there. Once the paparazzi caught wind and their outing went public, Molly told Arthur that they will need to just have a working relationship.

All this was done before Arthur got home and received the painting that he was eyeing in the Art Galley gifted from Molly. It was from there that things got a bit weird. Arthur threw the painting in the trash, revealing to the viewers that he may have wanted more from Molly. In the office the next day, the awkward silence and movement between the two also suggested the slight tension there.

And in those moments are where this romance should remain. Both Molly and Arthur should forget about what happened on that day and let it be. Molly is recently divorced and Arthur is lonely but the issue is that they work together and he’s her boss. Meanwhile, the writers may have felt guilty about implying there is a romance and decided to give Arthur another possible love interest outside the office.

There could come a time when Molly runs into Arthur and his new friend and may feel a bit of jealousy. It’s common but it should stop there. For some shows, something this odd may work. For Loot, at least give it a season or two before things start to heat up. Molly is not in the emotional head space for any type of office romance and Arthur is a good soul who may not be able to rebound if something were to go astray between him and Molly.