Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power – Take Your Toxic Fandom Somewhere Else

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Show of hands, how many people are already over fandoms ruining franchises? if you’ve watched any Star Wars, anime, Game of Thrones, Marvel, or any other popular fantasy content chances are you’ve run into toxic fanbases. The latest getting this tiresome treatment is Lord of the Rings with the new Amazon series Rings of Power. There are already way too many internet trolls jumping on this show and the writing with no good cause.

First and foremost, this toxic community that is pissed off because there’s a female protagonist or actors of color, just stop. No one has the patience for your “hot take” and misguided hate. The show is barely 3 episodes old and you’re already jumping on these characters and the story. It’s that same type of fandom that won’t allow a good DC movie to exist because they prefer Marvel.

We get it, you like Game of Thrones more so you nitpick acting, story, and casting decisions, and every other minor detail to make you feel better about the show you chose first. Either that or you hold the original movies so close to your heart, that there’s no room for anything but perfection. Take that elitist nonsense elsewhere and let those who love storytelling enjoy a show as it unfolds. The season hasn’t even hit the climax or the cliffhanger and are people really already acting as if it’s the worst show ever made? That’s just dumb, especially those GoT fans trashing it who forget how slow season 1 was until they killed off Ned Stark. Come down from your high horse.

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At its very core, Rings of Power might have some building to do. However, there’s absolutely no reason to disrespect the show, the actors, or the writers involved. So many good shows have started out mediocre and grown into something great. It’s called character development and you don’t get it in the first couple of episodes. It’s how these characters respond and how their stories play out that makes us love or hate them. People want to hate Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power which is baffling because the show has so much potential.

They say “never judge a book by its cover” and in the television world, we should never judge a show by a few short episodes. If the season at its peak doesn’t pick up from the slow drag, by all means, give up on it. But if you’re one of those people who have to jump online and start an angry mob to follow your opinion before the story even gets to character struggles, you’re part of the problem.

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Pre-judging the show before it even aired and throwing a fit when it doesn’t live up to your perceived standard of excellence is just nonsense. Wanna know why most movies and shows are great and “sequels suck”? Because you’re never going to be able to see it again for the first time. The magic of most of these fantasy, sci-fi, or superheroes can’t be replicated because the sentimental wow factor isn’t there.

And if you’re one of those people who have unrealistic expectations, just stop watching movies and television. Newsflash, the early days of the MCU weren’t spectacular until they got to the Avengers movie. Good stories take time to build. Find something else to do with your spare time rather than bash a show before it’s even off the ground.