Marry Me Is Exactly The Old School Rom-Com We Need

Marry Me

Hollywood is the place of remakes. Movies that do well often get a reboot, sequel, prequel, or even a remake. For years, I’ve always wondered why fans were never treated to a remake of the cult-classic Notting Hill. Well, according to most fans, the new romantic comedy starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson titled Marry Me, is just that.

While the storyline is somewhat similar, this is a new take on famous meets ordinary.

In Notting Hill, Julia Roberts’ character, Anna, fell for a small bookstore owner played by Hugh Grant. While the pairing in most places would appear to be somewhat out of a dream world, that’s exactly what made the movie work. How many men would love to meet and fall in love with Halle Berry? How many women would love to meet and fall in love with Brad Pitt? Notting Hill gave us a glimpse of what that would be like.

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Fast forward, and now we have Kat, a famous singer played by Lopez who gets left on stage right before her marriage and takes a chance on a regular guy in the crowd, Charlie a teacher, played by Wilson. Yes, sort of on the same path as Notting Hill but not the same.

Over the years, Hollywood has not had that real Rom-Com that ruled the ’80s and ’90s. That element of cinema has been missing of late. It’s been either superhero or horror and it’s time to switch gears just a bit. Lopez made her bones in the romance department early in her career with movies such as Maid In Manhattan and the Wedding Planner, so for her to get back to her Rom-Com roots should be a thing of beauty.

Can the movie work? Well, it depends on where audiences are in their current lives. COVID has taken everyone for a spin in the last 1.5 years. Marry Me is not a film for the MCU and DCEU generation. This is a film for those who love The Breakfast Club and for the parents who spent $10 on a date to go see Notting Hill or Pretty Woman.

With everything on the big and small screen focused on guns, political stances, and men and women from other galaxies, Marry Me could be the light at the end of the tunnel.