Marvel: Is Hulk The Next Villain In Avengers 5?


There’s no denying that Marvel has a plan moving forward as far as their next Phase goes but fans are still wondering what will happen to the familiar faces of the original Avengers? Captain America has passed on his shield. Iron Man and Black Widow are gone, Hawkeye is back but with his own show, and Thor, he’ll be passing the hammer to Jane in Thor: Love and Thunder. All that leaves is the Hulk.

What will Marvel do with his character if a solo movie is not in the works?

During his final three films, Hulk was not his usual self. In Thor: Ragnarok, the aggressiveness that he has displayed over the years was no longer there. Smart Hulk took over and when the team needed him the most, he was unable to perform.

According to some reports and fan theories, they would love to see The Hulk go rogue.

The theory, first posted by smileimhigh suggests that The Hulk may have good reason to want revenge. What if The Hulk is mad over the snap and that he couldn’t bring back Natasha? Think about that. Natasha is the woman he wanted and not being able to save her may have triggered something in him. And besides, we have no idea what he was doing or what happened to him when he was in the other dimension alone.

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Then, when Tony made the sacrifice, maybe The Hulk is feeling some kind of resentment towards him for that. The other and main factor of this theory is this. Marvel can go the route of World War Hulk. You remember him right? He was banished by Tony Stark and Doctor Strange after the death of his wife.

Hulk wanted revenge and it didn’t matter who got in his way. Some fans tend to forget that Hulk has always been unpredictable. The one person who was able to calm him down was Natasha. Without her, who’s to stop him now?

With his future uncertain in the next Phase, it may be a smart move to out him as the main villain in Avengers 5. Of course, he won’t end the movie that way. There will be a turn in the storyline as they will not kill one of their own but the action will be intense.

For all the characters, Hulk has always been the lone wolf. What makes him flip into Evil Hulk is the death of a loved one. The same way Captain America chose sides when it came to Bucky. The same way Tony loved his wife and daughter. The same with Hawkeye seeking revenge for the death of his family. Why can’t The Hulk go through a similar crisis?