Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: Did We Get What We Deserved?

Agents of Shield

Was it the ending you wanted? Did it provide enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat? Could you honestly say you guessed the outcome before it happened? Well, the answeres may vary. However, for myself, I got everything I wanted, except for one small thing (get to that later). Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is gone, over, and hopefully, there will no coming back.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate to see one of my favorite shows off the air but trying to reboot or hold some sort of mini-movie special a year or to down the line would only diminish what the show stood for. Yes, it was a spinoff from the Avengers but it more than held it’s one with no major cast member expect Nick Fury making a few cameo appearances. Other than that, AOS grabbed on to our belief in heroes and took us on a wild journey for seven seasons.

Related: Will Agents of Shield Give Us the Send-off We Deserve?

But back to the original question? Did we get the ending we deserved?

Let’s think about it from an AOS standpoint and not our own. SHIELD was defeated, down to their last remaining members but it took help from the future (Deke) and past (Agent Sousa) and paired with the original members to get the job done. We found out where Fitz was and why he had to stay away. It didn’t hit me until Jemma touched her stomach and said “I remember what we’re fighting for”. That moment, I thought she was pregnant. Had to admit, I was thrown for a loop when we found out the baby (Deke’s mother) was already born.

Keeping Fitz away to protect not only himself but the child and having Jemma forget their location was great writing. Mack proved to be a great Director this season when many believed the job should have gone to Daisy. It was rough in the beginning but he managed to guide the team through some dark times. Deke, while ultra clumsy, proved his worth countless times and would have given his life for his Nana.

Mack and Yo-Yo worked through their issues and come out on top while still working together. Sousa and Daisy found their connection and while Daisy lost her mother she gained a sister in the process. Then that leaves the only thing I felt SHIELD cheated me on.

What happened to May and Coulson?

I wanted them together and felt the writers did a horrible job but then I remembered, we had that. At the end of Season 5, May and Coulson went off to an island to live out Coulson’s final days. Back then, he was still Phil and still human so, in retrospect, they did end up together. By the end of the series, Phil nor May were their normal selves so maybe pairing them as a unit would not have made perfect sense.

But May became an instructor, Phil was back at HQ and he got his flying car back. So, all in all, we got what we deserved and more.