MCU: Fans Can’t Whine About Quality Since They Got What They Wanted

Marvel MCU's She Hulk

Marvel fans are slowly growing disinterested in the MCU. No, not the diehard ones that think these movies can do no wrong, they’re on board no matter what. It’s the internet fandom that has to jump online at every single turn and point out the things they don’t like. Unfortunately for them, all the stuff they’re crying about, are the things they put in motion years ago.

The MCU and the Infinity Saga were the talks of the town. It seemed like everyone and their brother was on board for the Avengers story, capping off with Endgame. But ever since that moment, people are jumping on the internet to announce their discredit with the current state of heroes. Not the ones complaining about political reasons either. There’s a large group of people complaining about the direction of the younger heroes and how these series hold no true value anymore. “Things have been all downhill after Endgame.” Or even better, “the She-Hulk was twerking? Ugh how stupid can they get”. But this is what you all wanted, no?

More Entertainment: Thor: Love & Thunder And the New MCU

Let’s rewind here a bit to the start of the DCEU. If you ever muttered the phrase “The DCEU is so dark, why can’t they be more fun and family-friendly like the MCU?” congratulations, you’re how we got here. That’s the nature of the entertainment business. Movies, tv, or any media will lean into something until you’re absolutely sick of it, and then it’s on to the next thing. So when you get mad that there’s “not enough fun” in the DC movies, don’t be mad when the MCU makes Thor the loveable sidekick in his own movies.

Endgame was years of story building that started with Iron Man and the redemption of Robert Downey Jr. His arrogance and condescension brought his character to life in a fun way. After that, each character had a personality of their own. So when Infinity War and Endgame came around they fell back on those connections and the loss at the end was more emotional. But these characters had always been quirky as hell. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, they defeated the big bad villain by distracting him with a dance-off. Now you’re mad at the She-Hulk for having a 10-second twerk scene, grow up.

If you’re mad that Thor isn’t the badass Viking warrior the comics made him out to be and instead replaced him with a goofball who talks to his axe, this is what you pushed for. You wanted the depth of story and dark tone taken out of these hero films and replaced with humor and family fun. Don’t go back on your word now if the movies aren’t living up to your expectations. If they’re “too kiddie” maybe you shouldn’t have pressed so hard.