MCU's Secret Invasion

Marvel and the MCU has seemed to have fallen off the deep end. Their latest show Secret Invasion just wrapped up the season finale and for the life of me, I can’t figure out what they were trying to accomplish with this show. Was there really a six-episode story arc just to let us know that the Skrull were on Earth and trying to become super soldiers?

At least with the other shows before it, they felt like they were setting things up for the future. However, the Skrulls or Super Skrull didn’t need a whole series for something they could’ve done with Captain Marvel. The series could’ve been skipped altogether. If they did want to go ahead with this, why not a quick 90-minute movie made for streaming? That or they could’ve gone with 8-10 episodes and made a few more stories make sense. Clearly, Disney cheapened out and it shows.

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At the series’ end, there was no big reveal, no special guest appearance, and no tie-in to any other property. This whole entire show felt like it was nothing but filler to stall until their next movie was out. Truth be told, this whole story would’ve played out much better as the next season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. before making it its own standalone series.

That’s not a knock on any of the cast and crew that worked on the show either. Emilia Clarke looked good with powers, she should definitely be brought in for more roles with Marvel and/or DC. Of course, by looked good I mean fit the part as opposed to forcing something out of place. Samuel L. Jackson was as entertaining as always. The whole cast and crew did their jobs, but the show just seemed pointless.

By the end of Secret Invasion we just have to wonder, is Disney trying to set up too much? Are they juggling too many stories? We know Fantastic 4 is coming. We think X-Men is on the way. There are hints of Young Avengers. Rumors are they’re getting the rights to Hulk back. This whole debacle seems like they’re spreading their content and ideas way too thin and none of them are standing on solid ground. Secret Invasion was the first real disappointment in the MCU that didn’t seem like it had any place in the overall shared universe.