Men: Daily Care Won’t Make You Less Manly

Manliness Skin Care

As men, for some strange reason, there’s a lot of pressure to maintain manliness. We have to be beer drinkin’, fast-car drivin’, gun shootin’ alpha males. There’s the overwhelming demand to “stay manly”. Bite into that meaty burger, fix the car, mow the lawn all that fun guy stuff.

But just because we’re guys doesn’t mean we can’t take care of ourselves too. If we don’t have the cracked hands, rough skin, and a little grease stain on our hands supposedly that makes you less of a man. But there’s no shame in taking yourself too. Is there really a handbook for men that says adding exfoliant to your just washing your face is against the guy code? Why is a lotion/moisturizer considered too feminine? It doesn’t affect the ability to do manly jobs. 

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It doesn’t make bacon taste any less delicious. It doesn’t even make your gas peddle any harder to push down when trying to race the guy to your right at a red light. Just because skincare makes your skin soft, doesn’t 

What’s great these days is you don’t even have to shop in the makeup aisle in your local department store. More and more stores have a men’s section that adds a few rugged products to their routine. To be completely honest, nothing wakes you up and makes you feel more alert in the morning than adding a facial scrub and wash to the day. 

ZZ Top once sang “Every girl’s crazy for a sharp-dressed man” because women like men who are put together. You can still wear your best pair of Levi’s out with the guys, but do your lady a favor and go the extra mile when it comes to cleaning up. It won’t make your beard look any less rugged. You can wash your face like a man and your guy friends won’t even notice the difference, but your little lady will.

Manliness is called into question whenever guys start to talk about how they take care of themselves. It’s almost as if taking care of yourself lowers your testosterone, which quite frankly is ridiculous. Take the 5 minutes out of your day to use a scrub and moisturize your face. It won’t feel like your face is being stretched over your skull and will leave your feeling more relaxed. Taking care of doesn’t make you less of a man, so start a new routine and go from there.