Miami Dolphins: The Reason They’re Struggling

Miami Dolphins HC Brian Flores

If you’re a Miami Dolphins fan and on social media, then you’ve seen the sky is falling posts. From the quarterback situation, the offensive line, coaching, the general manager, and even ownership have been blamed. Three years into the total strip down and rebuild and fans are growing impatient again. So where’s the real problem start?

The Dolphins finally realize they needed a hard reset. They moved good players to stockpile picks knowing those players alone weren’t getting them to the playoffs. From there they’d go on cut bloated contracts and are in a position to stock up on low-cost high-value free agents. With as many high draft picks as they’ve had, the team should be making a turnaround.

Last year the team looked like they were heading in the right direction winning 10 games and barely missing out on the playoffs. This year, however, they don’t look quite as ready. With the young talent, they have and the struggles they’ve gone through, and assume they missed out on a lot of picks. But the problem isn’t with the players they drafted, but the number of young players they have.

More Miami Dolphins: Where Have The Dolphins Actually Improved?

When it comes to typical draft picks, fans see them drafted by other teams and watch their success and speculate that Miami missed out on their guy. However, it doesn’t tell the whole story. The real issue with the Miami Dolphins is just that, most of these guys on this team are young and developing talent. When a rookie is placed next to a pro bowl caliber player, its easy to think that their success is 100% their own. Veteran players with talent make fewer mistakes and take more focus from opponents.

Right now, that’s the red flag with the Dolphins that most fans are focused on. All these young guys are making mistakes but look ten times worse next to another young guy making his mistakes as well. Miami has a team full of players learning and developing all at once. Did they absolutely nail every draft pick?

No, probably not. However, they also didn’t go out and spend in free agency to bring in the type of players who can help eliminate mistakes. Maybe next year when the cap space gives them a little more freedom they will have learned from their mistakes?

Unfortunately for fans, they’ll be forced to sit back and watch young talent figure it out. In the long run, it might cost them games, but not all these young players are as bad as they look.