Miami Dolphins: Where Have They Actually Improved?

Miami Dolphins coach Brian Flores

There it is again. The Miami Dolphins getting blown out by the Buffalo Bills. Miami had two quarters of okay football but fell right back into garbage football against the Bills and they were manhandled. It was a pathetic attempt against a division matchup. Watching this bad football you have to wonder? Where exactly have the Miami Dolphins improved under Brian Flores?

Have they improved on offense?

Nope. They still are dropping easy passes. They still can’t run the football. Blocking is god awful. They cut down on the dumb penalties but regressed right back to them against the Bills. Discipline was a staple of the Flores lead Dolphins and the complete lack of discipline doomed them yet again. From a team that was supposed to be up-and-coming to looking like they were as lost as they’ve ever been.

Before Dolfans go into attack mode, this isn’t a knock on Flores exactly. He’s been a professional, preached the right message, and should be the guy for the job. However, it was the team that let him down not the other way around with their sloppy play.

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Defense Is A Staple

Flores has led the Dolphins to one of the top defenses in the league. They’ve got a turnover streak that spans 24 games under their new head coach. However, for whatever reason, the Bills expose that defense. When you look at the team under a microscope though, are they actually getting better? They’re still not stopping the run. Pressure on quarterbacks still isn’t there. Coverage on tight ends still blows up in the middle of the field. The CBs are some of the highest-paid players in the league. Xavien Howard consistently comes up with big plays and Byron Jones makes plays. Yet the defense is still struggling with a high-powered offense.

While the Brian Flores Miami Dolphins look like they’re competent, the outcome still seems to be the same. The Dolphins fall apart in the big games against good teams. Don’t say how good the Bills are, how they’re a playoff team, or how they are favorites for a run at the Super Bowl. This isn’t year 1 of Flores’ tenure and the Bills consistently embarrass the Dolphins. Miami needs to wake up and start playing to their potential or they’re going to get a good head coach fired.