Movies: 100 New Movies Challenge September 2021 Edition Pt. 1

Movies: The Upside

September was another solid month in the movie world. With 12 new movies, we’re breaking down the 100 Movie Challenge for September:

We Broke Up – Hulu

Starring Aya Cash (You’re the Worst) and William Jackson Harper (The Good Place), We Broke Up is about a couple who fell in and then out of love. Not wanting to take the spotlight from the wedding they keep their secret to themselves and pretend to be a happy couple, which leads them down an interesting road.

Chaos Walking – Hulu

This movie was severely underrated. A sci-fi world where the majority of women are believed to be dead, spoiler alert, they’re not. Men have developed a sense of telekinetic “noise” and their thoughts are constantly on display. This post-apocalyptic movie dives deep into the concept of our innermost thoughts and fears. It left a lot open and definitely one of the movies that deserve a sequel.

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Love & Monsters – Netflix

Another post-apocalyptic movie, this time with monsters. This one is like the Monster Hunter games was made into a teenie love story with a little bit of humor. Love & Monsters has a similar tone to Zombieland but instead of Zombies, there are monsters.

Time Freak – Hulu

Time Freak was an underrated time travel movie that was better than I expected it to be. This hidden gem wasn’t the best film but it was surprisingly good. After a failed relationship, a young physics genius invents a way to travel back in time and try and prevent his love from falling apart.

The Upside – Hulu

The Upside was the best film I watched in September. With Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart, The Upside was a very heartfelt movie. What stood out the most for me was Kevin Hart. For the first time watching one of his movies, it felt like he was giving an honest performance. So much in comedies is going to the extreme to sell the jokes, but in The Upside, the jokes might not have been as strong but it was the chemistry between the two actors and their relationship on screen that sold the humor.

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Cinderella (2021) – Prime Video

This modern fairytale was a roller coaster of okay to wtf is this. Spoiler alert, they took Cinderella and made it a bit more pop. Some of it worked, a lot of it was eye-roll moments. At least this wasn’t a Disney live-action film as those have almost all been horrible. I’m all for a modern interpretation, but too much was to the extreme and didn’t fit in.

Part 2 of the September 100 Movie Challenge Coming Soon.