Movies: Jordan Peele Needs to Avoid an M. Night Shyamalan Sized Slump in the Horror Genre.

Jordan Peele

It’s a good sign when a director is being compared to other successful directors of our generation. However, when that director is M. Night Shyamalan, that’s not a good indicator of future success. Jordan Peele, who has made a name for himself in Hollywood, can’t go down the same path as Shyamalan. If he does, it’ll be a complete disappointment.

There’s no reason to believe Peele would ever become Shyamalan. The two are very different directors. Peele’s movies have much more meaning than anything Shyamalyan has done. His message in Get Out and US made them better films. Shyamalan simply made popcorn flicks.

Peele is at the top of his game. He already has his own production studio, Monkeypaw. A lot of acclaims have come to the early work of Jordan Peele. Many believe he’s the greatest mind in film today. Of course, everyone said the same about Shyamalan years ago.

With films like The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, and The Village, Shyamalan had quite the early resume. It wasn’t until his next set of films, Lady In the Water, After Earth, and Devil, that he seemed to lose his touch. The same can’t happen to Peele, who has one major thing in common with Shyamalan.

The use of the twist is a common theme in movies. Audiences will think one thing is happening, and then the end result is way out of left field. We see this in almost all Shyamalan films. So far, it’s been the driving force behind the Jordan Peele collection as well.

Whether or not the film has a strong meaning if the script fails you’ve got nothing. There’s an art to pulling off a good twist. We thought Shyamalan found the magic early on, but that was proven otherwise. Peele hasn’t disappointed yet, but neither did Shyamalan early in his career.

There are a lot of skeptics that think Jordan Peele is a ho-hum director. Right now, he’s one of the best in Hollywood. Until he gives the audience something to complain about, we’ve got to think he’s never going to let up. It’s taken years for Shyamalan to regain his credibility. The same can’t happen to Peele.

Whatever Jordan Peele attaches himself to will make money. That’s not the situation with M. Night Shyamalan. His reputation is shot because of some very poor films. He succeeded with Split, but only because of word of mouth. Peele’s films aren’t going to rely on friends talking, they are must-see ok day 1. Hopefully, that remains the case for Jordan Peele.

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