New England: The NFL Needs Stiff Punishment

New England Patriots Helmets NFL

The New England Patriots are at it again. With another offence, the Pats got caught bending if not breaking the rules again. For the second time in the Belichick era the Patriots have been caught video taping opponents. Throw in the deflate-gate scandal and their dynasty is tarnished once again.

The last time the NFLstepped in, the Patriots lost their first round pick as well as fined the team and headcoach. Aside from a higher price on fines, most of which will be made back in playoff revenue, the NFL needs to make an example out of the New England Patriots. Nothing will stop them from repeating these infractions if all there is is a slap on the wrist in terms of cash exchanged and loss of a pick. Name one owner who wouldn’t trade a couple hundred thousand for a Super Bowl win under their belt.

The league already has a multiple offence policy in place for something as small as their substance abuse policy. While yes, there is a threat of performance enhancing drugs that can give opponents the upper hand most repeat offenders get popped for smoking pot. And most people who smoke just want a means to relax from the aches and pains of a contact league not to gain an upper hand against an opponent.

If a third offence for smoking marijuana gets players banned for life from the NFL then what’s the penalty for the third cheating offense. After all, substance abuse that give players an edge is considered cheating than so is bending the rules for an upper hand. If the NFL doesn’t step up and correct this matter than it’s just opening the door for other teams to ignore the rules.

Roger Goodell has gone hardcore after the rule breakers and repeat offenders and if he backs down on the Patriots it’ll show his hand. Fans have long speculated they’ve done all they can to favor Tom Brady and the Pats for years. You can argue a witchhunt in the first infraction, maybe even justify the deflated footballs, but now a third time they’ve been under investigation and it’s no longer a concidence. The New England Patriots might be the NFL’s last dynasty, but if the league wants to save face it can’t be swept under the rug.