New York City: Time To Bring Some Southern Charm To The People

Waffle House

News and Observer

With the new addition of Golden Corral in New York City in 2017, other southern-based franchises should be taking notes about a possible expansion up north. One, in particular, should be Waffle House. If you ever lived or visited one of the southern states such as North Carolina or Georgia, then you know how big they are.

New York is dubbed as the city that never sleeps and while that is true, we could also be called the city that always parties or the city that loves to eat. Think about what the Waffle House means to patrons. It’s a great restaurant, not actually fast food and not a real sit down and relax with the family atmosphere either, it’s just something about the atmosphere.  It’s a cross between, dine-in, quick food, and a drive-thru.

NYC residents love to party and with clubs open till the wee hours of the morning, the first thing on a club-goers mind after leaving at 5 am is food. Now, NYC is full of diners, carts, and other places to catch a quick bite to eat but what if you wanted to mingle a bit while you wait for your food? This is exactly why Waffle House stands as the best. There is an old school Jukebox inside and while the waiting and sitting area is not huge, it gives off an intimate feel.

Like most after-hours spots to eat, Waffle House offers a variety of food. (Click link for full menu)

As a person who lived in Raleigh NC for 16 years, I was an avid visitor to WF. I’m a steak, eggs, grits and waffle guy. I can see why WF will be a bit perplexed about a possible expansion in NYC with so much competition but they may need to take the same approach that Golden Corral took. Just up and make that move. What can it hurt?

However, if WF was to expand to the NYC area they must do their homework about possible locations. Raleigh nor Atlanta is as huge as NYC and with 5 different boroughs, the possibilities are endless and also risky. In Raleigh, Waffle House was dead in the middle of Capital Blvd, one of the busiest intersections in the city. It was located right next to hotels and shopping malls. Well, in NYC they will have to take that same approach.

Either borough, whether it be Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island, Queens or Brooklyn is surrounded by homes and buildings. In the south, that may pose a problem but in NYC it’s a blessing. With such big residential areas, there is also the need for business owners to place their clubs, construction sites, and anything else in the same neighborhood. Most residents of NYC are too busy to leave work then head home and cook. Ordering out and pick up is the way we live here.

But, the only suggestion I would make if I was Waffle House is maybe to expand their seating area. After dancing and drinking for 5 hours, people want to sit, eat, laugh and socialize for a few until they have to go home. Yes, it can get a little rowdy and noisy but that’s the atmosphere that 24-Hour diners have to deal with.

Residents of NYC may not be on the lookout for a place like this due to the many Diners floating around. But, how can they experience what Waffle House has to offer if Waffle House never takes a chance?