NWA: Former WWE Intercontinental Champion is set to join the broadcast table

Into The Firs

Photo Credit: F4WOnline

The revived NWA has been one of the bright spots of the wrestling landscape in 2019. In nine episodes, Billy Corgen and  Dave Lagana have been able to bring wrestling fans back to what got them into wrestling in the first place. While it’s been mostly positive things for the NWA brand, they did get some bad publicity a few weeks ago. A few episodes ago, Trevor Murdoch was taking on NWA champion, Nick Aldis, in a non-title match. During the match, Jim Cornette made a racist joke. He said, “Trevor Murdoch, he’s mad, bad, and dangerous…. he’s the only man I’ve ever known that could strap a bucket of fried chicken  on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.” He would end up resigning from the position right after the comment was made.

One of the biggest things that people were trying to figure out is who would the NWA get to replace Cornette on commentary. There was a wide range of guesses, but no one knew. As the season finale was coming to an end, they would have one more piece of news. We would see Nick Aldis appear on the screen one more time with a tablet. After putting this man over, he would turn around the tablet to reveal that Stu Bennett is joining the commentary table. You may not remember the name Stu Bennett, but you would probably remember him by his WWE name of Wade Barrett.

He was in WWE for quite some time. Over his WWE time, he was the leader of NEXUS, five-time IC champion, and winner of the 2015 King of the Ring tournament. While it didn’t go well for him in the WWE, he was known for being a great talker on the microphone. The NWA could not have gone with a better option. I look forward to hearing him on the call for Into the Fire and future NWA TV episodes.