Obi-Wan Kenobi: Do We Really Need A Season 2?

Obi-Wan Kenobi title card

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a hit for Disney+. Despite the often overly critical parts of the fanbase, Star Wars fans absolutely enjoyed it. The finale aired this week and of course, was everything we’d hoped for. Now there are rumors floating around that it was such a hit the cast and crew want to continue with a second season. The only problem is, with how the story wrapped up, as much as we want it, do we really need a season 2?

Obi-Wan Kenobi will always have a place in the Star Wars universe. He’s every bit as popular as the Luke and Leia from the original series. Even if they decide not to go through with a season 2, that doesn’t mean he or the rest of the cast can’t show up in other series. We saw the big showdown between him and Anakin/Vader. That story seems to have hit a natural wall. How much more can the squeeze out of his story without overdoing it. There might be a few more things we want them to touch on, but how much more of it can they continue in 6 episodes at 45min/per? What would be the point if they couldn’t extend it multiple seasons. Running an extra season just to stop at two seems like they’re reaching for stories.

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Besides the fact that not much was left hanging from season one. The only thing left unanswered is how Vader came to know Obi-Wan Kenobi was looking after Luke and Leia. How did he find out and why did he stop looking? Maybe he didn’t and that’s why Leia was on his ship in A New Hope? But that seems like it would be more of a fit for an Anakin/Vader spinoff than it would be for the continuation of an Obi-Wan show. Obi-Wan seems to have set the stage more for other one-shots like the Third Sister or the Inquisitors than it set up a second season, but with Disney, you never know.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was wildly popular for Disney+ as expected. Sure there are many different ways they can work the character back in but stretching the story much beyond what we have might hurt the product overall. Kenobi is one of the all-time favorite characters, unless it’s done right maybe it’s best it ended.