One Major Question after Stargirl’s First Episode?

DC Universe Stargirl

DC Universe is slowly churning out the content needed to survive. Unfortunately for them, the one show at a time approach isn’t going to keep them afloat once HBO Max becomes available. However, they’re still plugging away with original content with their latest Stargirl.

“Teenager Courtney Whitmore joins the Justice Society of America. Based on the character from DC Comics.”

Only the first episode has aired and you should already recognize some familiar faces. Luke Wilson from Old School and Idiocracy. Amy Smart from movies like Crank and Varsity Blues. Long time Community fans will recognize Joel McHale too.

Going into Stargirl I didn’t quite know what to expect. Despite it being on the DC Universe streaming app, its a break from their usual R-rated content and geared more to a more family-friendly audience. This alone had me worried whether it was going to be ultra cheesy or something at least watchable. After all, the show is second-screened, airing on the CW the following day.

Shockingly enough, Stargirl had energy and heart and while it does have the more family-friendly vibe, it wasn’t Disney Channel cheesy.

After watching the first episode one thing stands out and if you haven’t watched by all means stop reading here.

Seriously, stop!

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The one question we want to be answered already comes early on. In one scene before discovering her new Cosmic Staff Courtney is in her basement discovering the past of Pat/Stripes. She finds a photo of the former JSA and the number one thing that stands out is in the photo is every single character shown has a clear view of their face, except as always The Flash.

Clearly, this is the Golden Age Flash by the costume and in an earlier scene, we see Jay Garrick’s helmet on the ground. Naturally, this was done on purpose, so does it set up a future time-travel storyline where we’re not sure what Flash we’ll get? Make no mistake about it this is the first storyline that Stargirl is trying to keep secret. Will it unfold by the end of the season or is this one kept tightly under wrap until they get renewed. 

Stargirl was a refreshing departure from the CW shows as well as a break from the adult-themed shows such as Titans and Doom Patrol. It’s still too early to judge the quality, but the first episode gave us a bunch of promise. Just how deep will they go with the JSA and other characters fit for the small screen? Comeback as we follow all 13 episodes for season 1.