Parenting: Passing Harry Potter on to Your Kids is An Exciting Victory

Harry Potter

I remember as a kid picking up my brother’s Harry Potter book to read it out of boredom, and reading the entire thing in a week. This was even before the movies came out. I remember wanting to read more. At the time I think the first movie was getting ready to come out so I wanted to read as many of the books that I could that had been released. I could literally imagine every character and Hogwarts as if I was a ghost floating above them watching the story play out.

I remember my mom pre-ordering the last couple of books because they started to gain recognition. She never said no to us wanting a book, and it wasn’t just me asking. It was something both of my brothers enjoyed.  I remember when we watched movies at home together, Harry Potter was something we could all agree on. The books and the movies are something that I will still read or watch today, and now that I have daughters, I look forward to sharing this series with them.

More: Harry Potter – Wizards Unite (AR) Review

It all started with my oldest watching some kids channel and the commercial for Universal Studios comes on and they were highlighting Harry Potter. She jumps up and down and says she wants to go there. It looks like a fun place and so began the explanation of Harry Potter. She is 6 and still learning to read so just handing her the books wasn’t going to work. I decided to take the theatrical route. We started with the first one and by the time it ended she was hooked. She kept asking questions and wanted to know more. We were watching a movie each night, minus when she went to her father’s house.

She has been immersed in all things Harry Potter. When I told her there were books that had more to the story, she asked me to get them for her. Now we are going to start reading the books together. I figure if I read a few chapters a night it should take at least 6 months to get through the series. I am hoping it takes that long because I would love to surprise her on a trip to Universal Studios to take her to the Harry Potter world. Going there is not cheap and I want her to be able to fully experience it and buy a robe and a wand, and eat whatever she wants. It will be something that she will remember for a long time so I want to make sure that she has read all the books and seen all of the movies before we go there.

It’s nice to be able to share something from my childhood with her, and have both of us to be excited to experience it. While I have been once to Universal, I wasn’t able to experience everything that was offered so it will be nice to go at her pace. It will be fun going into each shop and seeing what they have, and going on each ride. I think I will need my own personal shopping cart for everything when we are done. However I think it will be worth it since she has become obsessed.

I know as we start to read the books, her reading skills will improve and she might want to continue on her own but I also hope that it is something we can continue to do together. She has always been quiet and played alone. Now this is something we have in common that gets to connect us even more. I also hope that like me, it is something she will share with her sister as I did with my brothers. My youngest doesn’t always sit through the movies but will come in randomly and Sophia will try to explain everything that she has missed. It’s sweet to watch her get so excited over Harry Potter and try to explain it to her sister. I look forward to reading the books with her and also taking her on a trip where she can see it come to life.