Paul Dolan Isn’t Wrong About The Cleveland Indians Future

Cleveland Indians

You can’t hate Paul Dolan for his comments about Fransisco Lindor. The Cleveland Indians aren’t a big market team. It’s not feasible to sign players to huge 10-year mega-contracts. That doesn’t make what he said right. There’s a lot of animosity between the Indians and their fans.

“Enjoy it”

Those were the words Dolan said about the potential of Lindor re-signing. It’s a smug thing to say. Everyone in Cleveland knows the Indians aren’t going to get Lindor when his contract is up. Dolan saying things the way he did was a slap in the face to fans.

The Cleveland Indians haven’t drawn well over the last few seasons. Most watch at home, evident by the team’s high tv ratings. That’s not good enough for Dolan. He wants asses in the seats. And it’s for good reason.

The Indians don’t have a lucrative tv deal. It’s tough to make a profit with viewership. If fans don’t go to games, Dolan is going to shed salary. He did as much this off-season, trading Yan Gomes and signing bargain-bin talent. There’s no chance the team even makes a play at Lindor. If they do, don’t expect them to have much else on the roster.

It would appear Dolan is trolling fans with the comments. He knows damn well it’ll cause a reaction. Problem is, this will greatly cut into his bottom line. Fans are pissed. It’s one thing to say, “we’ll do whatever we can to keep Lindor.” Dolan didn’t say that, and now he’s dealing with a ton of backlash from fans.

In no way does Dolan owe an explanation for needing to cut costs. The Indians aren’t in a big market. It’s the way he approaches it that gets most fans irritated. He’s not very considerate of the people who pay the team’s salary. That’s the issue many have with Paul Dolan.

By all means, if the Indians can keep winning with the talent they have, they’ll do it. The team does have a good farm system. Dolan knows this, he’s not dumb. He’ll milk the system dry and force the young guys with years remaining on a contract on the managers. Don’t even get started on low-cost veterans. That’s how Cleveland expects to replace Lindor and other free agents.

The Cleveland Indians still have a good team. They’ll be in the thick of the playoff hunt for the next few seasons. Once Lindor is gone, the team will start the decline. It’s not ideal for fans, but things just can’t work for a small market team. Dolan could have used better wording, but it still doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

Image Source: David Richard-USA TODAY Sports