Philadelphia Eagles: What it takes to be a fan

What NFL fan base is THE most hated? In my opinion, it’s the Dallas Cowboys but that may be because I bleed green as a Philadelphia Eagles fan. I never looked at us as the worst fans in the NFL. I mean, how could we be? What do we possibly have to brag and poke our chest out about? We haven’t won any Super Bowls, we aren’t repped too heavy in the Hall of Fame and currently, the Eagles are in rebuild mode. So why all the hate toward us?


For those same reasons that I just mentioned. We have none of those things going for us and yet, we still hold our heads high and will tell you to kiss out a** in a heartbeat. It’s who we are. Doesn’t matter if you live in Philly or was born there. Being a fan of the Eagles means you must have tough skin and be willing to defend the team against whoever.

It’s why we’re hated.

This is the same fan base that will boo a player as he lay on the field with a possible career-ending injury. The same fans who will boo and throw snowballs at the most beloved man in the world. Yes, we have no love for Michael Irvin or Santa Clause. The Vet did house a jail underneath the Stadium, so.

There is no sugar-coating allowed when you’re an Eagles fan. We tell it like it is. The best part is, we don’t have to live in the past like the Cowboys, Steelers, Giants and the Redskins. Cowgirls fans are always screaming about their 5 titles. Nice, but when was the last one? It’s easy to defend an Irving, Emmitt Smith, and a Troy Aikman. If you want to see how tough you are, walk into a sports bar and try to defend the career of Donavon McNabb and Fred Barnett.

No fans should be able to talk if their team has not won a Super Bowl. Yes, we’ve heard it all before, however, let me let you in on a little secret. We don’t give a s***. We don’t run and hide when we lose, turn off Facebook notifications and block text messages. You can beat us by 20 and we still will post a Meme saying screw your team, then tag you and the team in it so there will be no misunderstandings.

Eagles fans don’t care about a Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. There are no QBs in NFL history better than Randall Cunningham, McNabb or Carson Wentz. There’s no team jumping or bandwagon riding going on here. We are who we are and we love hard. There are only four teams in the NFL according to Eagles fans. Us, the Washington Redskins, Cowboys and the New York Giants. No one else matters.

Brag about your SB rings that happened 15 years ago, your QB that disrespect women or your WR that is as suspect as Neil Patrick Harris. We talk trash without a ring and if you think we’re bad now, imagine what happens when we get one.