Politics: Donald Trump facing more problems

Donald Trump

Photo Credit: time.com

Throughout President Donald Trump’s presidency, it has not been an easy ride. It began when he was running for office back in 2016. During his run, there were hints that Russia ended up interfering into the election. As we heard in Robert Muller’s investigation, there was no known evidence. Now as we look ahead towards the 2020 election and Trump seems to be up to his old tricks.

One of the top candidates who will probably be facing Trump is Joe Biden. It was reported that his son has some business in the Ukraine. There was reports that Trump spoke with the Ukraine president about the situation. This has lead people to think that Trump is asking for Ukraine to interfere in 2020. By this happening, it has lead Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to begin the inquiry of impeachment. What a impeachment inquiry happens to be is they will look into his actions with the phone conversation with the Ukraine president. This is the fourth time in the history of the United States that a president has gotten to this point. The other three presidents were Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Richard Nixon. However, there has never been a president to fully be impeached. Andrew Johnson missed it by one vote, Bill Clinton never got to the trial, and Richard Nixon resigned from office before the vote could happen.

Personally, I feel this is going to be very interesting to see how it plays out. They wouldn’t go to this point, if there wasn’t any legs to stand on. I find it funny that Trump has gone on record in the last couple of days by saying this is a witch hunt. I’m sorry to break the news, but this isn’t a witch hunt. Trump is a pathological liar and doesn’t know what is the truth.

Stay tune to Cavemen Radio Show as we will keep you up to date on the situation with Trump.