Politics: How the Pandemic Plays A Role in the 2020 Elections


Photo Credit: Yall Politics

We are only a few months into 2020 and it has certainly been historical. We have seen Australia deal with a major brush fire that killed upwards of 500 million animals. President Donald Trump became the fourth president to face an impeachment. However, it’s worth noting that Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson both faced a trial and Richard Nixon would resign before hand. On February 27th, the Dow Jones plunged close to 2,000,00 points. This was the largest drop the Dow Jones ever had. Then we turned to March.

Towards the end of January 2020, China was first to feel the wrath of the coronavirus. In the weeks since we first saw this in Wuhan, China, other countries started to feel this. We would see Italy, Spain, and France get hit by it. As those countries were dealing with it, the virus would then hit the United States. Since it’s arrival, the virus has changed the way we know life. Many places are closed. The ones opened are only allowing a certain number of people in at once. Hundreds of people are out of a job. One person who can be pointed at to why we are at the level we are is President Donald Trump.

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I am not blaming him for bringing the virus, but I am blaming him for allowing this to get to the level that it has. According to the New York Times, the United States has now surpassed Italy as having the most confirmed deaths from the coronavirus. For starters, there should of been a travel ban to both Europe and China. China is where the virus first started, but there have been reports that the US got it from Europe.

They should of acted on this when the World Health Organization first declared this a pandemic back in January. However, there were countless amount of times that he didn’t do much. Any time a reporter brought it up to him in the beginning, he brushed it off. Hell, there was one time he was at a rally and said this was a hoax by the democratic party. Now how does this all play a role in the November elections.

While it’s not official, Donald Trump will be taking on Joe Biden. I know there will be a lot of people who expect Trump to win. I think if he would have handled this pandemic better and didn’t allow the death toll to rise, he probably would have dominated at the polls. However, this situation could make things in November interesting.

Let us know in the comments below to who will win the 2020 election.