Politics: If Donald Trump Pardon’s Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort, Resign Now

President Donald Trump has been in office for one year and 214 days. It seems that it has been a rather bumpy road for him. However, the news that broke on Tuesday evening into early Wednesday could go down as one of the worst days in his Presidential run. As it was reported through several media outlets, both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen both plead and were found guilty of several crimes. However, there was a line uttered by Trump’s former attorney that has been making this a larger story.

The line that was the beginning of the end to President Donald Trump: “In coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office” 

During Cohen’s plea on Tuesday, he said, “In coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office.” He was implicating the President of the United States without mentioning his name. This made the story take an interesting turn as it made history. By Michael Cohen admitting that Donald Trump becomes the first president to be “implicated” while under oath. Where this story isn’t shocking is how Trump responded. For starters, he went on to say that Cohen isn’t a good lawyer. In addition, Paul Manafort is more loyal that Michael Cohen was. That claim came from the fact of how Manafort hasn’t cooperated with law officials.

There was a theory presented on CNN on Cuomo Prime Time that has people talking. In one of the segments, they had Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz. He presented a theory that Cohen blabbed what he did on Trump because it would keep him in good standing. While part of that may be true, people are forgetting that Cohen will still be getting some sort of punishment in the long-term. However, there was another theory presented that could make things interesting.

As many of us know, the President of the United States is given a lot of power. One of the responsibilities of the president is to pardon. A pardon is the excusing of an offense without exacting a penalty. Typically we see this when someone was wrongfully convicted and was put in jail for many years. However, the person was guilty of something. If Donald Trump pardons either Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort, he should just put in his resignation letter as well. If that were to happen, he would be essentially saying that he was guilty and has been trying to cover it up. What’s interesting though is Michael Cohen will not take a pardon from Trump if given one. Those words were said by Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis during one of his interviews.

With this news coming out earlier in the week, it is making the midterm elections in November almost vital for the Democrats. The Republicans have held both the House of Representatives and Senate since the 2014 elections. It’s worth noting that most of the seats in both houses are up for grabs in November, the Democrats may still have a shot here. If they are able to pull this off and regain either house, it would not shock me to see impeachment trials start right away.


The news basically painted a picture that Washington DC has a lot of crooks in there. It seems to be the case that money talks. I agree with many people who think this is the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency. There is zero shot that he can save himself at this point. The writing is on the wall, Trump is just too old and can’t read it. When you’re going through some tough times, the first thing you are told is if you admit there is a problem, you are winning half of the battle. The problem with Trump is that he hasn’t admitted there is a problem and blames everyone from the Democrats to the media to people in his own party. Blaming other people is cute if you are five years old. When you’re 72 years old, it’s just sad.

While it’s sad, you shouldn’t be shocked. Anytime that something has been brought up involving Trump in a bad way, he acts like a child.

How would you feel if Donald Trump enacts these pardons? Leave a comment below.