NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Is Looking Like A Star During the pandemic

Andrew Cuomo

Photo Credit: US News and World Report

2020 will be going down as one of the more interesting, life-changing years in history. The first two months were going ok and then came March. That is when we would be introduced to a pandemic known as the coronavirus. It’s also known as COVID-19. It began in China and has traveled around the world. Everyone in the world is feeling the effects of this virus. The sports world has been halted. When it comes to the United States, we are one of the nations hit the hardest. But when we look at the United States, you have to look at New York as being one of the states hit hard.

The latest numbers show that New York has the most cases of the coronavirus. According to the worldometers website, New York has 20,610 active cases. This is the most that any state in the United States is facing. When you’re dealing with that many cases, you need to have great leadership. The person who is keeping New York on course is Andrew Cuomo. He has been governor of New York since 2011. I always thought he was level headed and now he is showing it more and more.

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When he holds his daily press conferences, he is not yelling and not talking down to people. He is even explaining the approach being taking by the government. I recall where he called out New York City about how people were still having large gatherings, NYC responded very quickly, As a New York citizen, I am proud of the work that he is doing.

With how well of a job he has done, I would not be shocked if we see him run for office in 2024. Personally, I could see him be the president because he doesn’t let his emotions get into making decisions.