
The first installment of the Power franchise is in the books with the supposed death of the main character and the departure of another. But with news that Starz has greenlit another few shows to continue the Power franchise, fans are holding their breath hoping the rest are just as good as the original. First up, Power Book 2.

Just this week, Starz dropped the first official trailer and the reviews have been mixed.

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For starters, Power was a good show. Add to the fact that the ending still left many storylines open, we’re eager to see where the next installment takes us. But that right there seems to be the problem with most fans. Power Book 2 picks up right after the first show ends. Meaning, Book 2 is centered around the two most hated characters on the show, Tariq and Tasha.

With Ghost supposedly dead, the story will follow Tasha’s time in prison and Tariq making his way through school, the drug game, and life. But why these two? What made Tasha and Tariq so unique that the produces decided to continue the franchise with them? Tommy is getting his own show but shouldn’t he be a part of Power Book 2?

His best friend is supposedly dead, murdered by his nephew and Tommy is just going to let that ride?

There will be new cast members such as Mary J. Blige and Method Man but it’s the old ones that have drawn the most attention. Will the loyal followers of Power tune in each week to cheer on Tariq? Let’s remember, he’s the same character many wanted to see fail and the one many still believe should have taken the bullet that his sister Raina did. He’s not a fan favorite and by the end of the show, neither was Tasha.