Power Book 2: Is Tariq Finally Seeing The Light About His Dad?


Are we finally seeing a turning point for Tariq St. Patrick? In the original Power, Tariq was beyond reachable. It didn’t matter if the lesson was coming from his mother, sister, grandmother, Tommy, or especially his father Ghost. For some reason, the young kid just figured he knew it all and for that, he caused nothing but death and placed a bad omen on his own soul.

But in Power Book 2: Ghost, Tariq seems to finally understand the lessons that his father was teaching. The sad part about that is, it may be too late for him.

Tariq, now in college is still caught in the middle of lies, drugs, violence, and soon to be death. No longer under the watchful eye of his father, he’s on his own with his mother in prison. In order to save her, Tariq must become the one thing he hates–his father.

In “Exceding Expectations”, Tariq was asked to give the eulogy at Ghost’s funeral. His lawyer wanted him to bash Ghost while Tasha and Stern wanted him to praise Ghost. Tariq was torn. But why?

Through six seasons of Power, there was no love lost between father and son. So much so that Tariq was the one who pulled the trigger that killed Ghost. Now, he was asked to either praise or drag him through the mud. It was in that moment that Tariq realized how much they had in common.

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Throughout the episode, people kept telling Tariq how much of Ghost he actually had in him. During the eulogy, it appeared that Tariq finally saw the connection. Ghost was indeed a complicated man. He wanted a good life for his family but he was being stretched in so many directions that he lost his way.

Now that Tariq has no one to blame but himself for his actions, he now understands the burden his father had to carry in the original Power. He’s trying to be a protector for his mother, a student, and a criminal mastermind. In his eulogy, he spoke that he was a manifestation of what Ghost couldn’t be.

His words were sincere but he was off in that assessment. His father put him in that situation with high-profiling schooling and the lessons he gave him while trying to keep him away from the street life. At the time, Tariq was just too hardheaded to listen.

Now that Ghost is gone and Tariq is forced to become a man, he realizes exactly what the title of the show means. He’s the second coming of Ghost.