Power: Season 5 Has The Makings Of Something Great
While Power tends to drift off into a world of fancy disco lights and real estate dealings, the rawness is still what draws fans in.
Much like The Wire before it, Power is still based on the friendship of two men, Ghost (James St. Patrick) and Tommy Egan. Both are from the same neighborhood, grew up together, and started in the drug business together. While their friendship grew, so did their empire. The same can be said for Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell.
Power has done it differently. There is always a mention of Tommy and Ghost’s past as kids growing up. Tommy is “Uncle Tommy” to Ghost’s kids and his wife Tasha refers to Tommy as her brother. The connection between the two is real and has been played out during the shows entire run. However, there is a third member of the family.
Kanan used Ghost’s son to get to him, but in the end, he couldn’t go through with killing Tariq or Ghost. But then everything changed when Ghost’s daughter was killed by one of Kanan’s old partners. Instead of walking away, Kanan decided to help Tommy and Ghost get revenge and just like that, the old crew was back together. This is one element where The Wire failed.
The Wire never went too deep into the personal lives of their main characters. Stringer and Avon didn’t have kids so that element, which makes Power so powerful, couldn’t go any further than the rooftop scene (above). At the end of Season 4, we see Ghost, Tommy, and Kanan sitting in a car ready to go to war as one. Imagine how it would have been if Avon, Stringer, and Marlo found a way to work as a unit?
What’s set to happen in Season 5 should place Power on the same level as The Wire. While some may feel that it’s already there, it’s simply not. Power is a bit more polished whereas The Wire was all street. Although Stringer would try to move the business somewhat legit, Avon hit him with the classic line– ‘I’m just a gangsta I suppose”. This is the same struggle Tommy and Ghost are going through now. Can the writers pull this great cast and storyline all into one without taking away what makes Power so– powerful?
More great news for fans of Power. According to Vibe, the show was picked up early for a sixth season.
[BXReporter] [matchedcontent]Mark has been covering Sports and Entertainment for the past six years. His work has been featured on Bleacher Report, ESPN, Fox Sports, Teen Vogue, and many other websites.