Pretty Little Liars: How The Perfectionists Cancellation Screwed Up The Real Endgame

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For years, fans of Pretty Little Liars waited for the moment when Alison and Emily would finally come together as a couple. The ups and downs, the denials, the lies, and the deaths may have caused friction between the two and widened the gap. But in the end, they found a way to make it work. Well, that was until the premiere of Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists.

When news broke that PLL was getting a spinoff, fans became excited. But as the outline of the show became public, those same fans were left in confusion. Fan-favorite Mona Vanderwaal was there and so was Allison but there was no mention of Emily and the kids. Why?

According to the storyline, the couple had a falling out but we were never given full details of how big that clash was. All we know is that Alison left to take a job across the country while Emily stayed home with the twins.

Of course, there were mentions of Emily in The Perfectionists but that’s as far as it went. There were talks on the phone but we never saw her face or even heard her voice. When the first season ended, Alison appeared to be on her way to begin a new relationship with Taylor. However, with the cancellation of The Perfectionist, loyal fans never got the one answer they were searching for? Was this the end of Emison for good?

Well, the cast of Pretty Little Liars and showrunner Marlene King got together for a reunion of sorts and dropped this bombshell on the viewers:

Emison was always going to be the end game. We were going to establish a relationship with Alison and Taylor, but in the end, Ali was going to return to Emily and the twins in Rosewood for their happily ever after ending,” I. Marlene said. “Who knows, maybe we’ll still get to see that someday,”

This is what fans wanted to see but now that they can’t. Alison and Emily’s endgame has to be played out in their own heads. King’s words are great and it does sort of bring closure to their story but to see it actually played out on screen would have been well worth the wait.