Pretty Little Liars: Season one still stands out as the best

With the last 10 episodes only a month away we have talked theories, best episodes, and best couples but, what season has left a lasting impression on you? Was it the beginning, the middle or 7A? As a true fan that’s a hard question to answer as each one has been instrumental up to this point. It’s almost like asking which of your kids is your favorite?


Let’s be honest, we all have one.

If I had to choose, I would go with the first season as the best. How could it be any other?

The beginning is what drew us into the mystery. Don’t lie, how did you feel when the Pretty Little Liars received that first text from ‘A’? I was hooked from that very moment and wanted to know who this ‘A’ person was. As we traveled down the season we learned that Aria had vanished for some time, Hanna is no longer the girl with low self-esteem, Spencer is now the leader of the crew and Emily likes girls. To add more intrigue to the story, we learn that Aria is in a relationship with her high school teacher, Ezra.

But wait, it gets juicier. There’s a body.

The missing body of Alison is dug up from her own backyard and the intrigue of what really happened to the ‘Mean Girl” begins. Who did it and why is that talk of Rosewood. The quiet guy Toby is suspect No.1 but he’s cleared of all charges. We’re also introduced to his evil, but blind stepsister, Jenna who blames Alison and the Liars for her loss of sight. She vows revenge that she’s still seeking 7 seasons later.

We’re also introduced to the last member of the group, Caleb. Who just sprung out of nowhere, thus resulting in one of my theories that he’s Uber A.

There are other seasons that can rival the first and may have better storylines filled with more suspense and laughter. However, it’s nothing like that feeling you get the first time you here “Gotta secret” and see the girl in the coffin. The theme nor the opening credits have changed but we’re used to it now. Pretty Little Liars reminds me a lot of Prison Break and how their first season can never be duplicated.

I loved how each character was introduced, how everyone has a back story and something to hide that ‘A’ likes to hang over their head. As we head into the final 10 and look back we often forget how important that first season was. It’s been rumored that season one is the REAL key to who Uber A is. If so, all that does is back my case for this being the best.

The Liars were so young and naive in the beginning that ‘A’ and Alison, even in her death had them wrapped around her finger. Little did we know that the girls would enter a world with so much pain, death and lies that a simple relationship and even their friendships would be put to the test.

Season one may not have had the big reveal of Charlotte as ‘A’, the intrigue that Ezra and Mona were behind it all or the great reveal that Alison was alive. But, what it did offer was a beginning, a start to something so special and addictive that we can sit and debate about which season was the best.

It’s clearly the first.