Pretty Little Liars: Top 5 things to watch for in 7B

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Just a little while longer my Pretty Little Liars fans and hopefully we will get the big reveal we’ve been waiting for all season. Who is Uber A or any other question we want and need to be answered? As we came to a stop after the Summer finale we were left with so any questions and the dead air between 7A and 7B has not helped any. It was a great marketing tool to debut the second half of the season much later than normal as it has given fans more time to put their theories to the test.

As I writer I’ve done countless articles (thanks for the support) but this may be one of the biggest as I get to combine 5 theories into one article.

More Pretty Little Liars: Top 5 Theories who A.D. Is

Who Killed Charlotte, Is She Really Dead?

That’s still a big question. If it wasn’t for her death then the girls would have never come back to Rosewood in the first place. But, who did it? And the bigger question is: is she really dead? We saw the body but this is Pretty Little Liars and nothing is as it seems in this show.

Her demise is the new dimension that has caused so much grief and death but what if this is another smokescreen by Uber A? I never brought into the fact that she was the main master planner behind the earlier seasons so Charlotte still being alive would make perfect sense in a way. If Charlotte is indeed still alive then will she be the one to save her sisters and friends?

Which Couple Will Be Married?

There will be a wedding taking place in 7B but who will it be? If Pretty Little Liars is known for one thing, it’s relationships. You have the odds on favorites in Hanna and Caleb, Toby (if he’s alive) and Spencer and Aria and Ezra. But you can’t leave out the strong possibility of Alison and Emily.

Hanna and Caleb are my favorites to make it down the aisle but Aria and Ezra seem to have the lead as they are the only ones that were close enough during the Summer Finale in making that jump. But, with the possible return of Nicole, all bets may be off for this couple.

Toby and Spencer could finally make that jump as well but their relationship may not survive the inner-turmoil that Spencer will go through in 7B after finding out her family is actually not her family. The Alison and Emily bond is strong and if it comes out the Ali is carrying Em’s baby then this would be a couple worth rooting for to make it to the altar.

Watch Out For Paige

Paige is pissed. She’s still in love with Emily but if her facial expression in the Summer Finale is a giveaway then Emily better be prepared for a ton of pain. Paige blew back in town to possibly take the swimming coaching job that Ali recommend Emily for. Once back she came face-to-face with Emily’s new love interest Sabrina.

But as Paige went to check on Em the morning after her night with Alison, Paige got the impression that the two had slept together and claimed Em as her own. Paige has a dark side and Emily and the girls should be on high alert as she will seek revenge for a broken heart.

Can Mona be Trusted?

When the show first started Mona was the hated one. She was everywhere the girls were and the suspicion that she was ‘A’ just continued to grow. But, when the girls found out that she was working for ‘A’, all of a sudden Mona did an 180. We can officially label her as an unofficial member of the Liars but it’s still something about her sneaky ways that gets under my skin. With Mona, you never know what angle she’s playing.

Is she there to help or hurt the girls? I guess that’s what makes her character so interesting. But, as we head down the final stretch, what Mona will we get? Will we get the one that’s been helping the girls lately or will we get the Mona that was out to destroy them in the first place? Mona is the wild card here. She has the smarts to either help or destroy the Liars. Was this all a ploy to get close or are her feelings sincere?

Who Is Uber A?

This is the big one. Is it one of the Liars, Mona, Mary Drake, Charlotte, I mean the list can go on and on. After Charlotte was revealed we thought the nightmare was over but this ‘A’ is twice as dangerous as the original. Charlotte was just angry and jealous that Alison’s attention was placed elsewhere but Uber A is out for blood and will destroy anything/anyone that gets in his/her way.

I hope that we at least get a back story as to why this person is doing this and for a good reason. The Charlotte story made no sense so the writers must get creative with Uber A’s. And please do not make Uber A be some character that was just introduced this season. This has to be a personal attack and it should be someone who has been there from the beginning.