Pretty Little Liars: What if A.D. is actually helping the girls?

Let’s take a moment to think about what’s really happening on Pretty Little Liars. So far we know that ‘Endgame’ is here as the girls received a gift in the form of a game board from A.D. While the girls are all worried about the possible deadly outcome if they lose, they have failed to realize the prizes if they play.

To begin with, Spencer was first up and if she played her prize was a letter written from her birth mother Mary Drake. All Spencer had to do was go visit Toby in the hospital. How was that seen as something out of the ordinary? Next up was Emily as she was forced to blackmail a young teenager on the swim team. Emily wasn’t about to complete the task but Paige stepped in. A.D. noticed she was willing to do so and her reward ended up being Paige in the end.

Up next was Hanna. All Hanna had to do was wear a Japanese custom dress to her business proposal meeting for her clothing line and her reward would be awaiting. However, at the last moment, a call came through that Caleb was in the hospital and Hanna made a decision not to attend the meeting. By doing so, she forfeited her turn and thus lost her prize. If the trend was going according to plan, then Hanna was set to embark on a lucrative business deal for her clothing line.

Alison had her turn at the game and in the end, it revealed the birth father/mother of her baby. Alison’s prize while shocking to her and the girls may be a blessing in disguise. It’s clear that she has feelings for Emily and vice versa but to know that the father is not her lunatic ex-husband that had to be comforting. Emily and Alison will always share a bond and while no one seems too excited at the moment this was great news for Alison and Emily.

Lastly is Aria. She has been skipped on the game but she was given a proposition that neither of the girls was. All Aria had to do was get in a car. Aria met with Sydney and at first, Sydney played the role of A.D but Aria quickly caught on to the lie. However, Aria was given an opportunity to join the team and while she didn’t give an official answer A.D is still pushing. It leave us to wonder what will Aria prize be if she decides to join Team Uber A or decline.

Nicole is back in the picture and if Aria decided to go down a dark path will A.D. kill Nicole making a clear path for her and Ezra? Or, if Aria declines will what will Aria’s punishment be?

Everyone has played the game to some degree but yet the game has not been evil to the girls. Each move has benefited all involved and yet we still look at A.D. as the villain. A.D. intentions were to find Charlotte’s killer. If the girls didn’t do it then I’m pretty dure that A.D. knows that and is trying to get the Liars on his/her side to help figure it out. What exactly has A.D. done to the girls that have been worse than what Charlotte did in the beginning?

From what I see, ‘Endgame’ has been nothing but positives for Hanna, Aria, Spencer, Emily and Alison. It’s been their personal decisions not to play or go against the rules thinking that A.D. has a trick up their sleeve. And while that may be true the girls may need to take a step back and do a reassessment of what’s going on.

Remember, Charlotte just wanted to play a game with the girls and not put them in real danger. What if A.D. is just doing the same and wants to show the girls he/she is really on their side?