Prison Break: Sara Tancredi cannot be that stupid, can she?

What will Sara Tancredi do on the remaining episodes of Prison Break after the big reveal that her husband may be the mastermind behind everything? Does she really believe that her new husband Scott is not the one behind all the madness surrounding Michael Scofield? After T-Bag showed her the picture of him and the people who broke into her house, she looked to be a believer then. But after he told her some well-planned story about him wanting to pay off the killers she let go some of that anger.

But did she really?

As Scott was talking he showed Sara the tracker he was going to put in the money, they hugged and all looked to be forgiven. However, Sara still had the tracker in her hand and my theory is that she will put it under his collar to track his movements. Sara is no fool. She may have made some foolish mistakes in the past by helping Michael escape out of prison but even then– that was done out of love.

Now she’s faced with a dilemma of loving with the enemy. Even if Scott thinks that she is telling the truth by believing him–where does that actually leave her and Michael Jr? There will come a time when Scofield comes looking for Sara and Scott will put the pieces together. If he feels that Sara is no longer any use to him then he may decide to take her out of the equation.

I fail to believe that Sara is a fool.

In all fairness, she thought that the entire ordeal of having to live while looking over her shoulder was over once the Company was taken down. So when Michael died she didn’t think twice about trusting another. Now that trust may cause her and Mike Jr their lives in Michael cannot make it back to America in time.

Sara is smart but her past has shown her to not be the best when it comes to decision-making, especially when it comes to men. I hope she learned her lesson and smartened up because it could mean her life.