Relationships: A Man And His Wedding Ring


A wedding ring/band is supposed to be a symbol of a union. But, let’s be clear here, it does not define your relationship. A ring is exciting to most women but to men, it’s just something circular on our finger we like to play with when we’re bored.

But, why is it a magnet?

Let me explain. A ringless man can approach or be approached by a woman with good results. However, a man with a wedding ring seems to attract more attention. I was told by my sister a few years ago that a man with a ring means that he’s worthy of one. I didn’t understand what she meant until I got married and witnessed it for myself.

It’s like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. In her street clothes, she turned eyes with the skimpy outfit. But, when she was heading for the Opera with the stunning red dress, she turned heads due to beauty. Same person, different arrangement, and different results.

When a man and woman first meet, there is the necessary up and down look that will be done but the main glance will always go to the ring finger. I thought after I got married that the glance and conversation would stop once she saw the ring. I was wrong. It just enticed some women more. Then my sister’s words began to come to me. “You’re worthy”.

Ahhhh, now I get it.

Some women love nothing more than to know that you’re worthy of their time. If another woman has found a reason to be with you then why can’t they? But men, this is not an open invitation to cheat. It’s a form of flattery that’s a gift and a curse. I’ve heard women friends bragging about pulling a married man. I guess it’s the same with men if we can get a woman to cheat on her significant other. Why is that considered an achievement?

A wedding ring is there to protect, not attract the wrong attention.