Relationships: The Difference Between Good Looking and Attractive

Dating and Relationships

These days, finding the right connection feels impossible. We recoil at the thought of new relationships based on our past experiences. The liars, the cheaters, and the heartbreakers have taken a piece of us with them as they go until it feels like there’s nothing left. We stop dating claiming “I’m focusing on myself” but to be honest, we’re just sick of the games and don’t want to invest in another letdown.

But that’s where the realization should set in. people are in such a hurry to find love, we fall for the first good-looking person that catches our eye. A few clever pickup lines or laughs over drinks, and we’re all ready to go all in. Truth be told, however, there’s one key factor we’re missing out on. There’s a huge difference between the good-looking guy or girl at the bar and someone that’s truly attractive. Attraction is the key. Stop giving your time to every good-looking person that catches your eye, and find the person who truly attracts you.

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Yes, physical appearance often leads to that attraction but it’s not the only trait. Good-looking and attractive are not the same. Think of it in terms of magnets. despite being opposite, each end of the magnet is drawn together. If the person you’re considering doesn’t draw you to them, they’re not it. You’ve got to go past just the physical connection and find the bonds that complete your day-to-day. If they do not pull you to them, like a magnet, that’s a giant red flag. You don’t need to spend all day, every day with them but the balance of your days will change how you see the connection.

In terms of yin and yang, there’s the black and white and in the middle, the opposing color and that’s the perfect metaphor for dating. Find someone that completes your pattern. They may be at the opposite end of the spectrum but they should share that small area of your life that connects you. Too many times we’re drawn to people that catch our eye and then force our way into a connection. That’s where unhappy relationships develop. The initial intrigue and interest are there based on a physical connection, but past that there’s no bond. Then we try to fake our way toward common interests. Why do we invest in only a physical connection?

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There have to be things about the other person that goes beyond what we see. Relationships exist to build a bond together. That bond or connection is what builds trust and balance in our significant others. It doesn’t always come in the prettiest package either. If you find someone that is good-looking and you can’t stop thinking about them, you find time to want to be with them, and they change your mood with one text, that’s the one. Find that person that shares that energy and reciprocates. If the person doesn’t balance your bad days back to good, if you don’t perk up just hearing from them, or if it’s one-sided then move on. You don’t have to fake a connection just because you don’t think you’ll find someone who catches your eye the same way.