Relationships: What Happens After Bad Sex?

Bad Sex

It’s happened to most at least once in our lifetime. You meet a person, the conversation is good, and you may whisper something freaky to set the mood. The moment arrives and BOOM, you just felt it yourself, something was off. This wasn’t your normal performance. You look at your partner for any indication of a letdown, hoping he/she didn’t feel the same, but nothing is said.

The next day you text them and the response is not as quick as it normally was prior to your sexual experience. That’s when it hits you, you got dealt the Sex Death Card. You know that card, the one that requires no words or contact. You can text, call, email, but you will get no response. Your curiosity kicks in but the truth is the truth. Your pride won’t let you fully admit it but you know that they now know, you f***** up.

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You’re seeking them for answers, just wanting them to tell you the truth. You need them to say it to your face but there is no need. Damn. Now it hits you like a ton of bricks, someone out there thinks you have no idea what you’re doing in bed.

No matter how childish it sounds, that can mess with your ego. Now, you’re on another mission to find someone and make them pay for your mistakes. You promise to go all out, have that hold nothing back type of sex. The kind you read in Karma Sutra or 50 Shades. You tell yourself that the next person will get the mind-blowing sex that makes them get up in the morning and cook you breakfast butt-buttered-ball naked.

But still, even as you get ready to conquer the next individual, the last time is a constant replay in your thoughts. You let one slip away without your best performance. Then the psyche starts to play tricks on you. What if they tell someone else who then tells another person about what happened? All it takes is one rumor to ruin your sex life forever. So you must find that next person so they could be the one to debunk the bad vibes and put your name back on the righteous path.

Bad sex happens. Not everyone can be at their best at all times. But when it does, suck it up and get back out there.