Riverdale: So Far, Archie Andrews Has The Last Laugh


Seven years after the crew graduated high school, they were called back to Riverdale by Archie Andrews. During his time away, Archie joined the Army, became a Sergeant, saved lives, took a bullet, and was given an honorable discharge. That was a far cry from his pre-graduation days when Archie had no direction.

With Archie labeled as the star of the show, it was a bit weird that the writers knocked him off his throne and broke his character all the way down to the foundation.

His friends were set to start college while Archie didn’t even graduate high school. In a moment of clarity for him, he decided to enlist in the Army.

Fast forward to his return and things are not the same in Riverdale. Hiram has run the town into the ground. His old house has been taken over by the ememy, and that’s just the beginning of the strangeness Archie is set to encounter.

With one phone call, Archie was able to get the gang back together but not everyone is as cheerful and as motivated as Archie is. Throughout the first three seasons, the main storyline of Riverdale centered around the red-haired golden child. But Archie endured some rough times and right before the time jump, he was at his lowest.

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While he was suffering, his friends were thriving. Jughead, the character with the once unstable home was becoming a great writer and was on his way to college. Betty, the girl next door with a serial killer for a father found her calling, and Veronica, the daughter of a mobster, knew what her post-high school plans were. Everyone had something going for them except Archie.

Archie came home a hero. Jughead returned not knowing which direction he was going to go in while Betty was fighting demons of her own. Veronica appeared to be more stable of the three but a closer look at her marriage and one could tell that she was not happy with a man who resembles her father.

No, it’s not in Archie’s nature to gloat. Just a few years ago, he was in their situation and pushed everyone away. Now, he’s the one set to help them get their lives straight.