Scandal Finale: The Death Of David Rosen Proves The Bad Guys Always Win

The Scandal Finale aired Thursday night and we knew there was a death coming. Just didn’t think it would be the last “Good Guy” standing who would be killed. Yes, David Rosen played a part on Team Olivia but all-in-all, he wore the white hat proudly. What was so shocking about his death is that we all had to see it coming but didn’t want to admit it had to be done.


Scandal was about just that– scandals in the Nation’s Capital but it went deeper and personal than what we see on the news today. When Olivia Pope, Quinn Perkins, Huck, and Abby Whelan burst on the scene, we were blinded by their so-called good deeds. But underneath it all, darkness was lurking in each of them. There was the death of Harrison Wright, the death of Fitz and Mellie’s son, kidnapping, blown-up planes, murders of judges, lawyers, and innocent people. But in the end, the one person who should have walked away unscathed from it all was the one who met his demise. Not fair.

But that’s the gift and curse of Scandal. When was it ever fair?

Why did David Rosen have to die when Olivia, Huck, Abby, Quinn, Fitz, and the others were prime candidates? What exactly did Rosen do to deserve such a horrible outcome? And to make matters worse, it was Cyrus who did it. The moment he got the text and got out of bed to meet Cyrus at his home, I knew David was dead. But to have the Vice President commit such a murder was a bit, how can I say this– unbelievable. If Jake would have killed Rosen then that would be something else. But Jake let him live only to be taken out by the weakest person on the show. Cyrus was a great thinker, but a killer– no.

But what bothered me most after his death was that everyone involved acted as if they weren’t involved. Huck wanted to react by killing Cyrus but Olivia said this was their chance to be the good guys. What exactly did that mean? Weren’t they on their way to be that when they decided to speak before Congress and take on B613?


Why Did David Rosen Have To Die On The Scandal Finale

For seven seasons, OPA has done everything as a team even when they weren’t one. Now, one of their own was murdered and the person responsible was giving his walking papers. That’s all? Yes, Cyrus was stripped of his power but how does that justify all the wrong he has done? He just killed the United States Attorney General, got caught red-handed and was forced to sign a piece of paper and walk off into the sunset.

David Rosen was the last of the good guys. His death allowed a rigged election to go unpunished, the real Command to walk free, three hitmen (Huck, Charlie, and Quinn) to walk and Abby (who almost took down the White House) her freedom. And Liv, well, if anyone should be held accountable for all of this, then she should have been right next to Jake in a jail cell. No one paid for their sins but the one man who wasn’t supposed to.

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