Scandal: Why didn’t Olivia Pope run for President?

Politics are rough. It’s a business where your past is never left in the past but one good speech could turn your mistakes into something great. This is where the writers of Scandal made their mistake. 

With President Fitzgerald Grant on his way out the nation is looking for another leader. The candidates are his wife Mellie and Francisco Vargas. Mellie’s campaign will have a familiar face with Olivia Pope and Vargas will have Grant’s ex-right-hand man, Cyrus Beene running his.


While Mellie is a viable choice as she was a popular First Lady, this upcoming season would’ve been more interesting if Olivia was a candidate instead. Olivia has her skeletons but so does Mellie.

What happens when they start digging and find out that her son Jerry was really her father-in-law’s kid and not Grant’s? What happens when they find out she had an affair while still serving as First Lady after all the heat the President took when it became public of his and Oliva’s relationship?

If they were going to put a woman through all this then it might as well been a woman who could handle the scrutiny that is sure to come. Liv was raised to handle this and if she was about to succumb to the pressure, she has an amazing team behind her in Pope & Associates, and we can’t forget her father and Jake to make any issue disappear.

With that type of backing and cover ups, there’s no way she could lose. Let’s not forget her persuasive ways when it comes to fixing elections either.

If the President route was too much, then they could at least had her run against Mellie for the Republican nomination. It would be great to see those two debate as it would surely reach a personal level. Who would Fitz support then? 

Scandal was built off the relationship between Fitz and Olivia while he was campaigning to become President but with him leaving, it takes out a bit of the intrigue of the show. As her father told her “You had the power,  you had the White House”. If that was the plan all along then don’t let her get it by sleeping with the President. Let her earn it by becoming the President.