Shoresy: Characters We’d Like To See More Of In Season 2 Pt 3

Miig and Ziig from Shoresy

Can you believe it, Hulu still hasn’t announced a second season for their hit show Shoresy yet. Until they do, we’re continuing the march down the list of characters who deserve more screen time in season 2 until we get what we want!


This one goes without saying and should’ve been listed much sooner. The pest and captain of the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs and the title character should be the focal point. I hope in season 2 the playoffs get people so fired up for the NOSHO that they expand to six or eight teams. Not even sure how they’d get to that point but just the thought of having more teams with players like the Apeldoorns. It doesn’t even have to be a team full of brothers in hand-me-downs. Give us some more Shoresy chirpin’ on the ice and chirpin’ while reffing and we’ll be a happy bunch.

More Shoresy: Characters We Want More of In Season 2 Pt 2

Miigwan & Ziigwan

So we’ve established they’re sisters right but was it ever mentioned if they are twin sisters? If not, can they be fraternal twins in season two? Just the back and forth about being the smartest/prettier of the two siblings fit the setup. When they go with Nat to the League after the warm-up brawl, them telling Ziigwan to be more like her sister it has the opportunity to expand. Twins are often polar opposites and while both have the tough exterior, the two have shown their differences as well. One has the tough as nails and chases the Tendy down after he quits to run him out of the barn. The other seems to have a soft heart with an eye for Sanguinet.


Letterkenny introduced us to the puck bunny and what better way to keep Policetti brothers up their sleeve in case they need them again than to have Mercedes sniffing around the locker room? Speaking of Sanger, why not check another sitcom trope off the list with two birds/one stone? The classic “will they, won’t they” between Sanguinet and Miigwan can only be furthered by jealousy with how wrong Mercedes is for him. Hell, throw in the Policetti brothers being upset about him breaking her heart, and really add to the shenanigans.

Big Sexy

Are we supposed to care about a bird as much as we do? Okay, good. Whether it’s each time JJ talks, or someone says the name JJ, Big Sexy chimes in. The back and forth and timing with Laurence and “Big Sexual” was too funny to not try and recreate.


When it comes to Shoresy, they have to expand on the secondary characters. Letterkenny can get by with a bit more of their freestyle feel of each episode but Shoresy has a backstory. Season 1 had a story arc vowing to “never lose again” and what would happen if they did. As much as the show is about the characters and the quick wit back and forth, they’ll need a central plot and character arcs to draw the audience in on caring or not whether they win or lose. There has to be that connection.