Shoresy: Characters We’d Love To See More Of In Season 2

Shoresy and Nat

The first season of Shoresy introduced us to some great characters. Even though it was only 6 episodes, the cast of characters played to their strengths well enough we’d love to see more. Season 1 focused more on the story, but if they get a second season, there are a few characters that we’d love to see more of:


Is there any more of a hot mess on Shoresy than Michaels? While he may have earned some respect in the end, his love life really sent him off the deep end. So much more of his character can shine. Without making him the punchline in every joke, there’s a chance to have the perfect balance and pity for him. If they can balance the mutual respect of his abilities in hockey, while simultaneously poking fun at his dating habits his character has the most room for hilarity.

In season 2 they should explore his jealousy/envy of Sanguinet. Not only did he get a squeezer from Michaels’s ex, but he also took his job as coach. If season 2 introduced an interest for Michaels who was only interested in Sanguinet, Ryan McDonnel played the character well enough to continue the balance between pity and respect. Toss in a few daydreams that cause him to lose focus and potentially lose games, and Shoresy’s love-to-hate relationship could thrive off jokes and one-liners directed his way.

More Entertainment: Is Shoresy As Funny, If Not Funnier Than Letterkenny?

Laura Mohr

Shorey is famous for wheelin moms, but Laura Mohr seems to be the one that he just can’t land. Their relationship was painted as never going to happen but towards the end of the season, she seemed to soften on him. It had the real Jim/Pam (The Office) or Andy/April (Park & Recreation) vibes. The will they or won’t they was there throughout the season and despite her reluctance, she always seemed flattered. Continuing this back and forth in season two is a must as long as it eventually leads up to a date. The hilarious moments where Shoresey is almost moved to tears would be the perfect bit if she ever said yes to a date.

Corey & Liam

These two come as a package deal. They really give the Riley & Jonesy vibe but at the high school level. While Shoresy loves to chirp at their expense, you really get the sense they almost look up to him. Of course, there’s some good ol fashion ball-busting between him and the young hockey players, but they seem to bond over their love of hockey. That and the back-and-forth between the three really set the tone by helping break up the main story.


We got to see the GM of the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs and what hockey means to her/her family. Even if her character is limited to that role, there’s room for her to expand her role outside of the team. We saw her put the team on her back and convince Michaels to return. We also know she has a love for hockey and hockey players. Not even from a romantic standpoint either. Nat can be a total leader when it comes to setting these guys on the right path. After seeing Michaels poor, broken, and sad in his apartment, she helped him find his way back. Why can’t that be her role, the no-nonsense leader who calls them out on their bs and keeps the focus on the team? She is fierce and clearly a force to be reckoned with.

Hulu hasn’t announced a season 2 of Shoresy yet, but given how much the show echos the humor in Letterkenny it’s only a matter of time. A second season would give them more of a chance to explore these characters so who else deserves more screen time? Spoiler alert, its all of them.