Shoresy: Is The Letterkenny Spinoff As Funny or Funnier?

The Cast of Shoresy

It didn’t take Letterkenny too long to be a fan favorite. With quick wit, charm, one-liners, and a whole dictionary of catchy lingo its fast-paced comedy will have you laughing hilariously. 10 seasons in and Letterkenny made room on the roster for a spin-off starring everyone’s favorite foul-mouthed hockey degen, Shorsey. With just six episodes in, can Shorsey be just as good as the show that made the character famous?

Foul-mouthed, chirp-serving, mother-loving, fan favorite LETTERKENNY character, SHORESY (Jared Keeso) joins the Sudbury Bulldogs of the Northern Ontario Senior Hockey Organization (aka The NOSHO) on a quest to never lose again.

The Good

Shoresy has one thing over Letterkenny right off the bat, and that’s the consistent storyline throughout the entire season. Where Letterkenny has scattered plots involving each character, it has a very Seinfeld feel to it where these stories come back up as call-backs to previous jokes. Shorsey, on the other hand, revolves around the NOSHO hockey team promising to “never lose again” so the team doesn’t fold.

It starts with picking the roster, playing the schedule, starting fights, and trying hell or high water to become relevant again in the community.

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The Bad

Character count. The cast of characters is one thing that Shoresey lacks right now. To be fair … Letterkenny is in its 10th season and has had plenty of time to build its cast, but the spin-off will take some time as they spread their wings. With Letterkenny, you have different cliques that make up a small cast of characters. Each can branch-off and follow different interactions and scenarios. Shoresy has a diverse group of characters but they’re all sharing the same plot.

Once the show gets going it’ll probably expand each character. There are plenty of ways for hilarity to ensue, they’re just not there yet. If Hulu picks it up for more seasons then it has all the potential to be just as good.

The Verdict

If you like Letterkenny, you’ll probably love Shoresy. Despite having the same style and delivery for their jokes, it stands on its own. The hardest part of a good spin-off is making it feel like it’s not just copied and pasted from the original. Shorsey steps out of the shadow and brings you a story you actually can invest in. Not only is there a handful of characters we can’t wait to see more out of, but there’s also an investment in the team’s success. The show might only be a season in, but it’s just as funny as Letterkenny, dare I say funnier? I love Letterkenny to death, but it’s the consistent storyline that puts Shoresy ever so slightly ahead.