Snowfall: Is The Real War Between Franklin And Louie?


No one on Snowfall is without their flaws. Let’s just be clear there. The show is centered around the drug trade and with that, nothing is ever really off-limits. Franklin Saint emerged as the leader of the crew but as the business grew, so did the aspirations of others. Most notably, his Aunt Louie.

With Franklin looking to become somewhat legit and with a baby on the way, part of his initial crew are taking measures into their own hands. At first, it seemed innocent as everyone will look to grow, however, this is a game that has no rules and will make the most kind-hearted of people do nasty things.

From the start, Louie had Franklin’s back. He was young and needed guidance. His uncle Jerome was another hothead but it was Louie who often saw both sides of the coin and did her best to keep the men in her life grounded. But with great success, comes bigger ambitions and this is where Franklin must make the tough decision regarding Louie.

The two have always seen eye-to-eye but lately, both Franklin and Louie have been lost in their respective feelings. While Franklin is no Saint, to be fair, his stance has never changed. He does want things his way as they have proved to be successful. But he’s had dealt with plenty of heartbreaking losses along the way.

Louie on the other hand, she has played her position but Louie has always been from the streets. Without her early connections, there would be no Franklin in the drug game. With the past and present tied together, it’s the future that looks bleak for the two.

Louie wants to go out on her own along with her new husband Jerome. But in order to do so, she has to go behind Franklin’s back for the connection. In doing so, she has put Jerome in a tight spot. Franklin is his blood and now Jerome will be torn between his nephew and his wife. Louie knew this and yet, she still made that decision.

That’s not all. Franklin and Leon came up with a plan to calm the nerves of Kane and while that was happening, Louie called in a favor to her cop friend, Buckley, and set a plan in motion that will tear apart the truce that Franklin and Leon built with Kane.

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When the truth comes out regarding what Louie has done, what will Franklin do? He loves his Aunt but he loves his business just as much. In his eyes, he has to keep Teddy happy. If Louie is out here running renegade, what does that do for Teddy and Franklin’s relationship? As bad as it is, Franklin did call Teddy and threaten his life. Their relationship has already hit rock bottom and both knew it would come to this.

Another key factor in all this is Teddy. He likes Franklin but maybe Franklin is getting too big. At the end of the day, the government is still calling the shots. Teddy once told Franklin that he is expendable. He can easily be replaced. And since Teddy agreed to give Louie the drugs, this could be the beginning of the end between Teddy and Franklin. If Teddy cuts off the supply, Franklin is done.

But Teddy could also force the war between Auntie and nephew by going forward with their deal. Once Franklin learns of the deal, he will come for Teddy. If Teddy decides to deal with only Louie that will force Franklin’s hand and he will do what he has to do to remain on top even if that means going against the family.

But family has always been the sticking point for Franklin. Even when his dad was threatening to expose everyone, Franklin gave him a pass and let him leave the country. But this feud that he has going on with Louie has to happen in order for the both of them to have some clarity.

Money and family don’t mix. Now you add in millions of dollars and it gets worse. They both love each other but Franklin did warn her about what he’s willing to do to protect what’s his. Louie is from the streets. What she knows is survival and greed is compromising what they built together. Yes, Franklin can be a pain in the ass with his ways but he has made them rich and changed their lives. His plan is for the future while Louie is only thinking about the present. In a sense, neither is really wrong but both are past reasoning.

When the truth comes out and the shit hits the fan, will Franklin be able to do what has to be done? And on the other side of the coin, will Louie beat him to the punch and try to take Franklin out?

A war is coming on Snowfall from all angles and if these two don’t get on the same page, what was once a beautiful thing will be torn to shreds over greed and ego.