Sony’s Venom Needs to Come Out Strong – Cavemen Radio Show

Sony's Venom

The MCU is ever growing. Unfortunately for Venom fans, he won’t be in it. One of Spider-man’s more popular villains will have to help prop up Sony’s Spider-verse. Tom Holland has held down the fort as the lone success story from the current iteration of these characters. Where The Amazing Spider-man was received as lukewarm even before the current run. Spider-man is a favorite in both Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War and The Avengers: Infinity War and arguably the most popular cinematic version to date.


With the Venom movie, it’ll be interesting to see the how Sony handles the anti-hero in the latest go around. The last time we saw Venom in a Spider-man film was 2007’s Spider-man 3 starring Tobey Maguire. Even the character then wasn’t as well received as the studio had hoped. The latest iteration stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock and that alone might bring fans out to the theater. Hardy has a background in superhero roles having been featured in 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises as one of Batman’s more popular adversaries Bane. Christopher Nolan delivered his own take on the jacked up villain and Hardy brought the character to life. Fans have been shouting from the rooftops their desire for a more iconic version of Venom for years.

With early reports stating we’d barely see Venom in all his glory when the movie is released, Sony was quick to drop the trailer that proved otherwise. If they put the visual effects into making the alien Symbiote look real, then they very well could attract their target audience. Not only does the character have to stay true to comic form, but as Warner Bros. realized with certain aspects of Justice League bad CGI can ruin the tone of these superhero films. Sony doesn’t have a long leash with these characters as Marvel’s MCU has been stockpiling great film after good film for years. If they really want to make a true run at a Spider-verse, then they have to nail down the other characters in the universe as well. Venom needs to come out strong on October 5th or fans won’t be pleased.[CMRickTwitter]