Spider-Man Back In The MCU Is A Big Win For Sony And Disney


Spider-Man will return to the MCU. It was announced that everyone’s favorite superhero will get a third film fromthe  Disney, set for release in 2021. This is good news for all Marvel fans. It’s even better news for the future of the MCU, which now has a major player back for their future movies.

Without Spider-Man, Marvel and Disney were missing something. The entire MCU changed when the web-slinger arrived in Civil War. Fan interest in Spidey went through the roof. The previous Sony films, which didn’t draw, seemed liked a thing of the past. Spider-Man had found his mojo again.

The disappointment fans felt when Marvel films decided to forgo the contract with Sony was unmatched. After two successful standalone films and major roles in three other Marvel/Disney movies, the rug was pulled right from under fans feet. Now, all the MCU can rejoice that we’ll get more.

With the way Far From Home ended, not having Disney/Marvel do the sequel could have made for an interesting resumption of the franchise. Sony couldn’t be trusted to continue the story. They seemed more set on putting their characters (Venom) into the world of Spider-Man than fleshing out the MCU story. That’s an issue when there has been so much stock put into the Disney films.

It’d appear we’ll get a true ending to the Spider-Man trilogy. If indeed this is the end of the standalone films after number 3, we know Peter Parker will return for future Marvel films. This could mean another Avengers style team-up, or cameos in other Marvel films. Hopefully, Sony and Disney can come to an agreement on getting Spdiey into the Venom sequel. The latter seems to be unlikely.

While Venom made money, one would have to wonder how much more they’d make if Spider-Man were in the film. While Disney doesn’t own any part of the Venom movie franchise, it could benefit them to incorporate or allow Sony the use of Spider-Man in future Sony films. And on the other end of the spectrum, Disney must know how much they’d make off giving a well-known villain like Venom his run in the MCU.

What makes Spider-Man such a great superhero? He’s a major draw for the MCU. The films just wouldn’t seem the same without him in them. It’s a good thing Marvel/Disney and Sony came to an agreement once again. Both studios can benefit from this. And once again, the fans can rejoice, as they are the biggest winners.

Image Source: Sony