Spider-Man: Far From Home – Caveman at the Movies (Spoiler-free Review)

Tom Holland as Spider-Man

“Nothing will ever be as good as the original”

That’s it. that’s the mindset of moviegoers when it comes to almost any sequel, ever made, in the history of cinema. Too often movies stray too far from what made them popular or try too hard to stick to it and comes off as a carbon copy forced version of the original. The second movie in a potential trilogy or franchise can make or break a film’s progress. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was epic and drew fans in. Star Wars: The Last Jedi was a mixed bag of results and pushed some fans away. Sadly, most films lean more towards disappointment than excitement.

**If you’re one of the few people who didn’t see Avengers: Endgame, I wouldn’t continue reading as this is a spoiler free recap of Spider-man alone not the stories that tie into it.**

Spider-Man: Far From Home is not one of those movies. I will not even hesitate to say it was better than the original. Taking nothing away from the cast, crew, team on Homecoming but Far From Home was Spider-Man on a much grander stage. From the story itself to the special effects, to the advancement of Peter Parker himself, to the resolve of certain MCU stories. 

Far From Home might not be as fun or funny as the Homecoming but that’s where the line ends and with good reason. While the sequel did have its funny moments, too many hilarious moments and it would take away from the gut punch moments Peter faces. Not only does he face his latest series of villains, Peter is struggling with loss, centering around finding the next Iron Man.

Between the hilariously awkward relationship between Peter and MJ and the flip side of coin the crushing loss of a father figure, Spider-Man: Far From home brings the heart of the movie alive in a way that feels like it caps off the great run of the MCU so far, but it also feels like it’s own stand-alone movie as well. The energy and excitement of this movie take us down a journey that feels lifted right off the pages of the comic books. While it starts a little slow, it amps up the energy right away.

Some will say that Avengers: Endgame pays the ultimate respect to Stan Lee and the character’s he created, but in the end, it’s Spider-man who caps off the remarkable run. Identified as one of Lee’s favorite creations, Far From Home reminds us of the weight of the world that sits on our shoulders and reminds us of what it takes to be a hero. A film showing that no matter how lost, or scared, or uncertain we might be, we all have what it takes to be heroes, capturing the message that Stan Lee echoed throughout his career. Spider-Man: Far From Home stepped it’s game up and we can’t wait for what’s next.

Cavemen Rating: