Spider-Man: Homecoming: 3 reasons why it’s Marvel’s most anticipated movie of 2017

Marvel has ruled the Box Office for the past few years and 2017 looks to be no different with a few releases that fans have been craving for. While 20th Century Fox jump-started the year with Logan, Marvel and DC Comics are not far behind with Wonder Woman, Justice League, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and the new Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Fans were on the fence when it was announced that a new Spider-Man film could be on its way as Sony owned the rights but a deal was struck with Marvel in which they could use Spider-Man in their movies and that’s when shoulder shrugs turned into cheers. If his cameo in Captain America: Civil War was any indication of what’s to come then Sony made the right choice by teaming up with Marvel for Homecoming.


Here are 3 reasons why Spider-Man: Homecoming is Marvel’s most anticipated movie of 2017.


1- It has gone back to its original roots

Both of the last Spider-Man films started off with Peter Park in High School but he seemed to be a bit old to portray that role. Maybe it wasn’t the script in itself but the actors. I never bought Tobey Maguire as a high school kid or Andrew Garfield, however, this Tom Holland kid nails the role as the nerdy, yet wise-cracking Parker that we remember from our childhood. His cameo in Civil War was brilliantly done. A younger Spider-Man draws to its original roots and where the other movies went off course with their older actors, Holland can shine. If Marvel can keep it where he doesn’t have to worry about marriage, jobs, and college then the new batch of movies will be just fine.


2- Michael Keaton and Marisa Tomei

When a reboot is done there are many things that can take place. One is the re-casting of roles. Marvel did a great job in this department with Aunt May. As much as I applaud Sony for taking the route with the cartoon and casting an older May in the original movies, there was time for a change. Sally Fields was a bit younger in the Garfield reboot but adding Tomei to the Homecoming cast was a stroke of genius. She’s young, attractive and by the looks of the scene with her and Tony Stark in CW, there may be some chemistry there. Keaton is awesome. By far the best Batman ever but to cast him to play Adrian Toomes/Vulture was another genius move. Keaton is known as the feel good guy in Hollywood (he’s Mr. Mom) so to see him play a villain like this should be great. Can Keaton add a level of humanity to such a role?


3- The relationship between Ironman and Spider-Man

There may not be another solo Ironman film but we still get our fair share of Robert Downey Jr in cameos like CW and The Avengers. In Homecoming, he will play the mentor role to Parker. This is a new route that Marvel has taken but their chemistry in Civil War was one of the best moments in the film. With Stark playing a vital role in Parker’s growth, fans of Ironman will still be able to get a glimpse of their favorite Avenger.