Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker – The End is Near

Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker

Disney did not disappoint at this year’s D23. All the latest from their Disney+ subscription service was announced. Some great up-and-coming Marvel series were announced as well as a trailer for their latest in the Star Wars Universe The Mandalorian. And while they were on the subject of Star Wars, the movie fandom wouldn’t be let down as Disney released yet another teaser from Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker.

Aside from the beautiful intro that pays respect to the entire franchise up until this point, there’s one scene that everyone’s going to be talking about. Yes, that was Rey seemingly turning to the dark side at the end of that trailer and no we’re not surprised.

Now, of course, Disney could be just toying with us and this could be one of Rey’s visions she’s often had along the way. I mean, why else would they reveal something that could spoil that big of a reveal? But then again, why not?

It’s not too much of a stretch to believe she could turn to the Dark Side. She was abandoned by her parents, witnessed the death of Han, lost her hero in Luke, and presumably will lose Leia as well. There’s a lot of loss there. Bottling up emotion and loss was eventually what lead Anakin to the Dark Side as well.

Through in the fact that she might not be the Skywalker who rises and maybe they’re not spoiling much at all. What if Kylo Ren was meant to be the one who rises. He does have Skywalker in his blood. They’ve been teasing his obsession with Darth Vader and maybe just like Vader he has a change of heart. Maybe he realizes he’s been a pawn the whole time and after losing his father and mother (more than likely) he challenges the path he’s been lead down.

The two movies before Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker have foreshadowed a lot of changes and distrust within their alliances. There’s nothing to say that the series won’t circle back around and tie up some loose ends. Rise of the Skywalker will be the end to the story as we know it so not only will it need to have some of the series best moments it will also need great closure. Sure, there are more Star Wars stories in the works but the Skywalker saga is ending. Will it have the heartfelt moments it needs to close out a story for generations? Or will it let down like stories of the past?