Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Darth Vader Would Be Disappointed In Kylo Ren

There has to be some logical explanation why Kylo Ren is so weak in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Our first introduction to Luke Skywalker gave off the same vibe but for good reason. See, Luke wasn’t meant to be the villain, however, Kylo Ren was born to be the bad guy. While his hero should have been his father Han Solo, he chose to idolize his grandfather, Darth Vader.

In The Force Awakens, it was us just getting to know Kylo Ren. His demeanor was more of a boy searching for his place in the Dark Side and fans kind of gave him a pass because of it. However, in The Last Jedi, Ren was supposed to be, well, a better version of Vader. But here’s the thing, there can never be another Darth Vader.


While Ren does have Vader’s blood flowing through his veins, he lacks what made Vader so special. From the early Star Wars movies, we were taught to root for the good guy. Luke Skywalker was the knight in shining armor while Vader was pure evil. As we learned more about Luke’s and Vader’s connection, we just couldn’t come to terms with the question. How could someone so evil produce such a good seed?

There Will Only Be One Darth Vader

But Vader wanted Luke on his team and Luke never thought twice about it. He didn’t want to kill his father and Vader didn’t want to kill him but something had to give despite their battles. Luke’s demons were dealing with the harsh reality of who Vader is to him and how he must defeat Vader while keeping his sanity. Ren, however, is too busy fighting through emotions he shouldn’t have. Anakin Skywalker had those same issues but he did so while he was with the Jedi Council. Ren is angry. He’s the child who didn’t receive any Christmas presents and wants his parents to suffer.

As Anakin grew into the villain role, it was love that eventually turned him to the Dark Side. Ren has no love to cherish so his portrayal as the new top villain comes off as a bit shallow. He can channel his grandfather all he wants, but in all honesty, Ren is nowhere as dangerous, treacherous or deadly as Vader. When Vader entered a scene, you felt the chills. It was the same feeling when Anakin turned evil in Revenge of the Sith. However, moments like this is what Kylo Ren lacks. His presence has not, nor will ever be as climatic as Darth Vader’s.

If Vader were alive, he would probably kill Ren for giving his legacy such a bad name.
