Stargirl Switching to the CW Only Seems Like A Mistake

DC’s Stargirl

While DC’s Stargirl getting a season 2 is exciting for the cast and crew, we can’t help but be a little disappointed. Going from splitting viewership between the CW and DC Universe to strictly a CW show is a letdown. One of the best parts of being on the DC Universe is production value.

While the CW has housed the DC family for television, the let down on most of their shows is the cheesy production value. Stargirl had the strength of feeling more like a lower budget movie than a poor effects television show. A quality cast, good writing, and being a step above the CW teen angst kept Stargirl feeling more than just a cheap Arrowverse spinoff, something the CW won’t be able to keep up.

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Maybe the CW is stepping their production up when it comes to newer shows. Where DC Universe failed in creating a platform for Swamp Thing, the CW picked up the fan-favorite and is running with a second season. If anything both series should have been picked up by HBO Max similar to Doom Patrol as a premium streaming service would allow a little more budget to put into making these stories believable.

While shows like Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow have had great writing in the past, one of the hardest parts about watching them is there at times poor digital effects. Sure, Stargirl doesn’t have too much CGI, it does have a sense of better quality that typically comes from streaming services. The CW on the other hand at times has moments when watching that seems a bit too close to goofy cartoonish moments. 

With a cast primarily consisting of teenage heroes the CW knew their audience when picking up the show, but as a viewer its a little disappointing knowing it will just fall back into the Arrowverse tie-ins and cookie-cutter storylines. That’s the most disappointing part, Stargirl seemed to step out of the mold that the CW shows had created and seemed to fit its own path. Now, hopefully, it will stay on this path, but knowing the CW they’ll keep milking the Arrowverse to death and slowly bring down Stargirl with it.